Chapter 22

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The creatures carried on grazing, ignoring us completely. I felt as though I was under a spell, I could not move my gaze from them, especially the creature I felt a connection too.

'What are these creatures?' I asked the others. 'Why are they the only animals we have seen?'

'These are Kalakins, they are like horses but have much more power. I once read that when they feel a person with power around them and they are in need, they come and help,' Ky whispered.

'I heard that we all have a Kalakin in our lifetime, that is chosen for us when we are born but they only appear if you are in serious danger. They come to protect and help us,' Stella added.

Without realising, I got up slowly and started walking towards them.

'Kat, what are you doing,' Theo whispered. I ignored him and carried on. The one I felt I had the closest connection to, looked up. I held out my hand and walked closer. It looked a little startled so I talked to it.

It seemed to work. My voice clamed it down. I leaned a little closer and stroked its nose. It closed it's eyes, calming down.

All of a sudden, it's coat went from a dark grey to a glorious white and it's mane changed with it. But it went multicoloured; blue, red, purple and green, all the colours of the elements.  It neighed with happiness and stood up on it's hind legs.

It looked gigantic and more powerful than ever. I thought that it might hit me so I crouched down to the ground, covering my head with my hands. But all I felt was it's warm breath on my neck and it's nose nudging me playfully.

I looked up and there it was staring at me. I stood up on my tiptoes and wrapped my arms around it's neck.

'Guys, come here they are friendly,' I said, smiling at Ky, Theo, Tori and Stella.

They all slowly got up and came towards me and the other Kragons, who were still grazing, wary.

When Theo, Tori, Ky and Stella each touched their own Kalakin, their coats turned white and their manes changed colour as well. But the colour that it changed, depended on which element they were part of.

Tori's Kalakin had a green mane, Ky's Kalakin had a blue mane, Stella's Kalakin had a purple mane and Theo's had a red mane. They all looked stunning.

'They are so beautiful,' Stella said, also mesmirized by her Kalakin.

We were all silent for a while, as though we were having a non-verbal conversation with our Kalakins.

It gave me a chance to get a better look at mine. She was absolutely beautiful. Her mane was very colourful and her coat gleamed in the light. She looked like a horse but was a lot bigger.

All of a sudden I had an idea. Using ny rings and powers, maybe I could speak to it or at least feel its presence.

I shot out some icicles from my ring, towards the trees and as soon as I did this my whole body shivered. I looked at my Kalakin and it looked at me and I felt as though we smiled at each other.

'Guys, you can feel them connecting with you when you use your powers,' I said.

For a while we just stayed with our Kalakins and after a few minutes, it was beginning to get dark again.

'I think we should stay here tonight,' Ky said.

'Yes, that's a good idea,' Tori replied.

We all put our bags down and started to unpack our stuff, wherever we went, the Kragons came with us.

It was begining to get cold and my teeth were starting to chatter. I put on another jumper but I knew that this wouldn't keep me warm the whole night, we would have to make a fire.

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