Chapter 1

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No. It's not MooMoo. -_-'


Keep moving! We are almost safe!

He's gaining, Shira!

I pushed my legs harder at the packed dirt road, putting a better spring in my quick strides; oddly enough, I enjoyed the exhilaration of being chased, despite the fact that I was getting sharp, steel blades hurled at me.

Let me explain real fast why I'm running; you see, I had been very simply walking down the road, minding my own business, and may or may not have ran into a rogue nin. And may or may not have said a few not nice things I shouldn't have to him. And mentioned his mother in the slew of words. And then about him possibly having his large sword to compensate for something of his.

He, for some reason, reacted with trying to kill me.

"Almost got you!" he snarled at me, his feet pounding about 5 feet behind me.

"Never!" I screeched, throwing some smoke bombs, and taking a left, onto a new path.

My legs managed to carry me to the ginormous green gates that I'd only read about. I ran faster, and making about thirty feet from the gate.

Of course, I hadn't realized that he was actually a very good rogue nin, and earned myself a good cut on my arm and a few bruises; this was why I was running.

Speaking of which...

I hissed as I felt the light thunk against my shoulder, yanking free the shurikan and moving to throw it back, but instead dropping to the ground with a curse; his long, metal blade cut off the tips of my trailing locks.

My eyes narrowed instantly, and I could feel my eyes flash, knowing that the pupils were slivers. I felt anger course through me like a raging river, drawing my own short katana; no one messed up my hair.

He didn't hesitate in bringing down his sword, eager to for the kill; my hand snapped out, the katana only an extension of my arm, and I blocked with a grunt, eyes not leaving his own.

He frowned, eyes narrowing at me in return, a sneer on his lips.

"Thought you could just insult me like that and walk away living, didn't you, Kitten?" he growled, pushing down harder on his sword; his breath stank of decay.

"Well, yeah. Just how you thought you could walk away from this fight alive," I hissed, sweeping his feet out from under him and taking the chance to dance away.

The man lunged after me, and a heated series of blocks and blows were exchanged between us.

He obviously had the advantage; he was in better shape than me, and was much more skilled with a sword; soon, I started falling back, my blocks and blows getting clumsy and weak.

The next thing I knew, my sword clattered to the ground, and a razor sharp blade bit into my shoulder.

As soon as the metal touched my skin, my hands flew up to the front of my chest and formed five signs.

I watched safely from a tree as roots wrapped around his feet and legs, holding him in place while Shira finished him off.

Once I regained my breath, I couldn't help the laughter bubbling from my lips, my still shaking hands wrapping some gauze around my shoulder, grinning like a fool.

Are you alright, little one?

I'm fine, Shira-chan! Better than ever, in fact! I think that's the most fun I've had in a while.

Oh, Child...

I could sense the amused smile in her rocky voice as it rumbled in my head, dragging out the word "Child".

I felt my balance slip then as a wave of fatigue crashed down on me, falling down on the road with a hard thump, my vision going black.

Exactly something that... would... happen...


So... any better? I think I might just keep editing this and maybe repost the other for the next watty awards? Neh? Comment, Vote, I love you all.  -Saphy ;P

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