The kiss

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🚫not proof read🚫

Y/N's P.O.V.


I woke up by the knocking. I got off the couch and opened the door.

"I'm back!" Said Ashley.

"Yay!" I said faintly.

Ashley stepped in the house and went strait to the kitchen. She grabbed a bunch of food out of the pantry and started to eat them.

"Your gonna eat all of that?" I asked, sitting next to her.

"Why do you care?" She said with sass.

I rolled my eyes and walked back to the couch.

"So, what did you do yesterday?" She asked as she sat next to me, eating a bag of potato chips.

"Oh- Um, You know, hang around and stuff." I stuttered

Ashley smirked at me," Was Brendon here?"

"N-no.." I'm the face turned bright red.

Ashley turned her head slightly to the side as she raise her left eyebrow.

"Fine, he was but we didn't do anything!"

"Ok...." She winked.

"Wanna watch a movie" I asked, changing the subject.


As I looked through Netflix for a movie to find, my phone began to buzz, I gave the remote to Ash and ran to my phone.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey, its Brendon"

"Oh, hi" I said in a nervous tone.

"Um I was wondering if I could stay at your place for a few days, Dallon and I had an argument last night and I need to get away for a few days" he asked.

"Um... sure, no problem, when are you going to get here?"

"I'm getting my stuff ready, I'll be there in 7 minutes"

"Ok, see you then" I hung up and walked back to my room.

"What's wrong?" Asked Ashley.

"Brendon is gonna stay with us for a few days, I'm just gonna get some stuff ready for him before he arrives." I yelled as I grabbed pillows and blankets. I placed them on the couch.

"He's gonna sleep in the living room?" Ashley asked.

"No, he's sleeping in my room for now, I'll be sleeping in the living room." I replied.

"Ok" Ashley said as she continued to look for movies.

As we waited, Ashley's phone began to ring. She got up answered,"Hey Zac!"

She continued to talk with her boyfriend. When she finished, she told me she had to leave.

"What? You just got here!" I whined.

"I'm know but, I have a date with Zac, I can't just turn him down.." she said as she got ready.

"Ugh! Fine... what time do you think you'll be back?" I asked.

"Um.... midnight" she replied, grabbing her purse and phone.

"K, see later" I replied.

As Ashely opened the door, she saw Brendon standing outside.

"He's here!" Yelled Ashley. She waved us good bye and ran out the apartment.

"Where is she going?" Asked Brendon.

"She has a date with Zac" I said.

Brendon walked in, holding a black bag, filled with cloths and other things he needs for the stay.

"So where will I be sleeping in?" He asked, placing the bags down.

"You could sleep in my room, I'll sleep in the Living room " I said, directing him to my room.

"Oh, no, it's fine, I'll sleep in the living room" Brendon said.

"No! Your our guests, you sleep here" I said, pointing at my room.

"Fine, but your not sleeping in the living room!" He said.

"Why not? Where will I sleep then?" I asked.

"I'll sleep on the floor, and you could sleep on the bed" Brendon said, putting  his bags inside my room.

"Fine..." I helped him unpack his stuff.

-time skip-

Once we finished unpacking, I grabbed a few blankets and layered them on the floor. Brendon Laid on my bed as I set his up. When I finished, I realized Brendon had already fallen asleep. I decided not to wake him up and walked out the room and watched TV as I waited for Ashley to come home.

While I was watching, my phone began to ring, I quickly ran back to my room to answer the call, in hopes of not waking up Brendon.

"Hello?" I whispered.

"Hey, How's everything going?" Ashley asked

"It's going great...!" I said.

"Great, Did anything happen between you and Brendon?"

"What?! No, I have to go now, He might wake up, bye" I said as I hung up on her.

"Who was that?" Asked a voice from behind.

I jumped in surprise, "Brendon! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up- it was just Ashley, she was just checking up on us"

"Oh, ok" He said as he got off the bed.

I turned away and walked back to the living room and he followed along. We sat next to each other, watching Game Of Thrones.

Brendon smirked at me, he put his hand on my thigh. My heart beats faster as he sits closer to me.

"Y/n, I have to tell you something..." he said with a grin.

My face turned red, "W-what is it?" I asked.

"I like you.... ever science we met, I had feelings for you..."

"Bren... I like you too...." I confess.

Without warning, he quickly leaned in and kissed me. He had me back on the couch, he managed to slip his tongue in my mouth, he pulled away and carried me bridal style to my room, he pushed me agains the wall and started kissing me with passion. He had his hand under my shirt, slowly rubbing his hand up and down my waist. He pushed me on my bed and began to kiss my neck, he got to my weak spot, I moaned, I could feel him smile as he continued to kiss me, leaving a big hickey on my neck.


The door busted open. Ashley walked in and gasped.

Brendon and I pulled away and faced Ashley who's face was so red.

"I- didn't mean to interrupt anything...." she said, closing the door.

"We-um, I think we should get ready for bed." I said, pulling my shirt back down.

"Yeah, tha-that's a good idea" Brendon said awkwardly.

I turned the lights off tucking myself under the covers. As Brendon went on his bed and went to bed.

"I can't believe I did that...." I thought to myself. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

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