Trouble pt 2

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I contacted Ashley and asked if I could visit Y/N in the hospital. She approved and sent me the address to the hospital that Y/N was at.

Once I arrived, I walked through security and found Y/N's room. I quietly walk in and see Ryan, Zac, and Ashley sitting on the chairs, waiting for Y/N to wake up.

"What they hell are you doing here?" Ryan asked, getting off the chair he was sitting on.

"Ry-it's ok... I let him..." Ashley informs Ryan.

He scoffs and walks out the room.
Ashley and Zac follow along.

I walk to Y/N and held her right hand. I lift it up to my lips and gave it a quick kiss.

Tears rolled down my face. "I'm sorry..." I cry.

I took my time to examine her face.

Eyes were bruised, bottom lip was busted open, her cheeks were bruised and cut, her chin had a big cut as well. I felt guilty. I couldn't stand Y/N like this.

"It's all my fault..." I say, hugging her.

As I pull away from the hug, I see Y/N fluttering her eyes open.

She smiled as she realized that I was with her.

"Brendon..." she says sweetly.

"Y/N!" I say in relief.

I pull her into a hug. Once we pull away, we gaze at each others eyes. Leaning in, we were about to kiss when Ashely walked back in.

"Y/N!! Your awake!" She gasped and shoved me aside to hug her best friend.

Y/N giggles as Ashley hugged her.

Soon, Ryan and Zac walked in.

"Your awake!" Zac says, and joins in the hug.

"Thank god!" Ryan says, realizing Y/N was awake, he joins in and hugs her tightly.

They all pull away from the hug as they hear the doctor clear his throat.

"Ah! Your awake!" He says, holding a sheet of paper on his hands.

"I just need you to sign this, it's a list of meds you need to take for the next two months." He states.

Y/n takes the paper and signs it. Then hands it back to the doctor.

"I'll be back to sign you guys out!" The doctor says, about to leave the room.

"Wait!" Y/N yells

"Yes.." the doctor stops and turns to face Y/N.

"What about the bill?" She Asked.

"Oh, it's already take care of" He says, walking out of the room.

"Oh... but how?" Y/N asked.

She looks at Ashley, but Ash sook her head, assuring Y/N that she didn't do it. Then she looks at Ryan. He shakes his head too. Then to Zac. Nope! Everyone looked at each other, confused and wondered as to who payed for the bill.

Y/N finally look at me. "Did you-"

"Yep!" I cut her off.


"Nope! To late! I already payed for your bill! And before you could say anything else- no, you will not pay me back, I know you don't have much so I payed for you! It's no big deal!" I interrupted her again.

She looks at me in concern.

"It's fine! Really!" I say, reassuring her.

"Ok.... thank you by the way..." she says.

"It was nothing!" I replied.

-Time Skip-


The nurse walked in and informed us they signed me out and that we could head out of the building.

After grabbing all of our stuff, everybody headed out. I struggled to walk but Ryan was there to help me walk to the parking lot.

Once we got to the parking lot, Ryans phone began to ring. He stopped in front of his car and reached for his phone with his left hand, still supporting me with his right one.

As Ryan picked up the call, I look around to see if Ashly, Zac, or Brendon was still around. Ashley and Zac were parked next to Ryan's car. I spotted Ash and Zac. They were making out in there car. I rolled my eyes and checked for Brendon. He was still in the parking lot, sitting in the drivers seat as he held his phone to his ear. He was probably talking to Sarah.

Ryan had ended the call and told me that he had to attend a really important meeting.

"We'll bring her home!" Ashley says after stopping the make out session Zac and her were having. 

She walked behind me and Ryan.

"Oh! Yes please! Thank you... I appreciate it.." Ryan says, giving me a quick kiss before hopping in his car.

Ashley and Zac  helped me walk to their car. I buckled myself as Zac started the engine and drove away.

-Time Skip to when you arrived at your appointment-

Ash and Zac dropped me off and helped me walk up to my appointment. I plopped down on the couch as Ash and Zac said their goodbyes and head out the door. Once they left, I heard someone knock on the door. Ashley probably forgot something and came back to get it. I walked up to the door, limping a bit. I opened it to see Brendon.

"Hey.." I sighed.

"Hey!" He smiles.

"May I come in?" He asked.

"Sure!" I say, stepping aside for Brendon to enter.

Once he entered, I closed the door and walked to the kitchen. I opened the fridge and took out some CapriSun.

"Want one?" I asked, slightly grinning.

"Ya know it!" He says, clapping his hands.

I giggle at his actions and pass him his drink.

"Thanks.." he says.

"Mhm.." I hummed.

We walked to the couch and sat next to each other.

"So..." He took a long sip of CapriSun.

"I-ah... I wanted to let you know that... Umm..." he stuttered.

"What?" I asked, chuckling.

"Sarah and I... we broke up..." he says, setting his CapriSun aside.

"Oh..." is all I said.

"I'm sorry that she did all those things to you..." he apologized.

"Why are you apologizing? You didn't do anything.." I stated.

He sighed. "It's Just-I don't know..."

"Thank you again... for.. You know... the bill- for everything..." I say, smiling at Brendon.

He smiled back.

We stare at each other's eyes. Getting lost at our gaze with every second. Our faces, inches closer and closer . We continue to lean, until the space in between our lips disappeared. We both close our eyes. Our lips moved in sync. He puts his hand behind my neck, pulling me closer for a deeper kiss. The kiss was something I- we lingered for in a while. We were so lost in each others touch, we didn't realize that we were not alone.

"What the hell?" A familiar voice yelled from behind us.

A/N:   OooOOOoo cliff hanger!!!
I'm evil... I know... :}
PS, this wasn't proof read cuz I'm lazy af

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