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I step into CVS in search of a pregnancy test.

I've been 3 weeks late and I'm starting to freak out. I contacted Ashley last week about my symptoms and she recommended me to take a pregnancy test so... Here I am.

As I walk down the isle of pregnancy stuff, I took a close look at each and everyone of them. I decided to buy the most expensive one out of all of them to make sure the results are correct.

I walk up to the cash register and purchased the item. As I walk out CVS, I spotted Ryan park right across my car. He saw me and walked my way.

"Hi" he sighed as he gave a curt smile.

"Hi" I say.

"So..." He took a glance at the bag.

"You and Brendon expecting a baby?" He asked out of curiosity.

"Oh... umm... It's not for sure. I gotta take the test..." I awkwardly say.

He silently nodded. "Welp! Um...good luck!" He says.

"See you next time?"

"Yeah! Sure..." I say as he walked away.

I sighed and walked back to the car and drove back home.

||= positive
|= negative

Is what is says in the box.

|| was shown on the test.

I'm pregnant..

What am I gonna do?! What if Brendon doesn't want the baby? What will happen? Will he still love me???!!

I pull out my phone and immediately contacted Ashely.

"Hey bitch!" She says.

"Ashley I need to talk to you"

"Ok, what is it?"

"No, I need to talk to you in person, it's important" I say.

"Ok hun, I'll there." she says in hurry before hanging up.

Within under 5 minuets, I heard a knock on the door.

"That was fast" I though to myself.

I opened the door and Ashely ran in.

"What is it?!" She says.

"I-I'm... pregnant..." I hesitantly said.

"OMG!!! She happily says.

She jumped up and down and gave me a hug.

"You've gotta tell Brendon! He'll be so happy!!!" She recommends.

"You think?" I asked her.

"I don't think, I know!!" She says.

"I'll think about it..." I mumbled.

"Well, if he doesn't want the baby and decides to be an ass, you'll have me to help you out!" She happily says.

I smile at her and gave her another hug as a response. As I released her  I heard the door shut. I turn around to see Brendon.

"Hey babe!" He tiredly says.

"Brendon! Hey!" I surprisingly say.

I pull him into a warm embrace and gave him a passionate kiss.

"I've missed you" He sweetly says.

"I missed you too..." I smiled as he leans in to kiss me once more.

"Well, I hate to interrupt you love birds but, I gotta get to Zac" she excused herself.

"See ya!"

"Bye!" Brendon and I say in unison as Ashely shuts the door.

As soon as she left, Brendon picked me up bridle style into our room and placed me gently on our bed. He took off his -shirt and pants along with mine. I had no idea what he was doing but I just let him do whatever. He soon laid down by my side and snuggled with me.

"How was work" I asked.

"It was ok... it would have been better if you were there" he looks up at me to see if he made my face turn red- which he did.

I felt my face heat up so I covered my face with my hands. He pulls my hands away from my face and brings his face close to mine.

"Your cute when you blush" he smirks.

"Brendon! Staph!" I shyly say.

He giggled at my tone and pulled me into a passionate kiss.

"I love you" He says looking into my e/c eyes.

"I love you too." I warmly smiled at his eyes to his lips and kiss him softly then pulled away.

It was quite for a few minutes until I spoke up.

"Brendon... I need to tell you something..." I say.

I didn't hear him respond so I took a quick glance at him to see if he was listening. It turns out he fell asleep.

I sighed and cuddled closer to him.

"Maybe next time" I say as I soon fell asleep with him.

It's 3:15am right now were I live, I couldn't sleep so I decided to update. Hope you liked it!


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