Blame it on the Alcohol

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Brendon's POV

When I arrived at my house, I hopped out of the car and grabbed my stuff.

"I'm home!!" I yell.

I heard footsteps coming from the stairs.

"Brendon!!" Sarah screamed and ran towards my direction with her arms wide open.

She pulled me into a big tight hug. As she pulled away, she leaned in and gave me a sloppy kiss.

"I've missed you so much!" She said.

I smiled weakly. "I did too..." I really didn't.

"I made you some eggs and bacon!" She said.

Y/N came in thought as she mentioned eggs and bacon. I then feel my eyes start to water.

"Oh-ah.. thanks but, I'm not hungry" I say, grabbing my bags and walked in the room.

I entered my room and was greeted by men's cologne. I sighed, I'm not shocked, she's cheated on me one too many times, I've gotten used to it. I lay my bags down and changed into my house cloths. Once I've finished, I was about to walk out the room when Sarah walked in.

"Hey.." she says.

She then walks closer, her eyes filled with lust as mine filled with anger and hatred. She only wants me for sex, and when I'm not there, she'll call up one of her sex buddies. She leaned in and kissed me. I didn't kiss back, she tries interning her tongue, but I denied. She pulls away, she pushes me onto the bed, desperate for me. Before she could kiss me again, I pull away from her.

"Stop!" I yell.

"What's wrong?" She Asked innocently.

"I know that you were cheating on me when I was gone" I said.

"I-I'm sorry..." she says, faking her cries.

"Look.... I know that I'm not here all the time, we don't get that much time to be together and stuff, but, it not right..." I say.

"Ive done some bad things too, and I want to make things right with us." I say, I really did want to make things right, its just hard to trust Sarah again. What if she cheats on me- again....

"Like what?" She Asked.

I look at her confused."what did you do exactly..." she asked.

"I-I cheated on you too....."I say, sounding guilt.

She starts to tear up. "I'm sorry...." I say.

"No, its ok, I was the one who cheated on you first.... and.... I'm so so sorry." She says, sounding truly guilty and sorry.

"I want to make things right as well...."

"If we can.... can we start over?" She adds.

I shake my head yes and have her a hug. I felt all the anger and madness wash off of me.

Our lips touch, but this time, I was the one to make a move. I kissed her with all the passion I have for her, which wasn't a lot as it had faded away the pass few weeks. She kissed me back and this time with passion.

-Time Skip-

Sarah and I decided to go out to eat for dinner. We ate at a Chinese restaurant near a drugstore. We walked there since it wasn't far away from where we live. The thoughts of Y/N hasn't passed my mines yet, until I saw her. She was walking across the street, carrying a bag filled with alcohol. I didn't realize she was with a guy until I saw him pull Y/N into a hug.

I scrunch my hands into a fist. I was jealous. Who was he and why was he hugging Y/N? And most importantly, what are they gonna do with all that alcohol? What if they both get drunk? What if they make out?! Or... What if...... Y/N LOSES HER VIRGINITY TO HIM?!

"Are you ok?" Sarah asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Oh yeah- I'm ok..." I say, forcing a smile on my face.


I was drunk, really drunk, so was Ryan.
We both swirled around the living room as we tried to play just dance. It was really stupid of us because- 1 we were drunk, 2 we suck at dancing, and 3 we couldn't even stand up strait.
We ended up tumbling on top of each other.

He leans in and starts to kiss me, I kiss back. He sits me on the couch, he starts kissing my neck, a quiet moan escapes my mouth. We then pull away, I lay on top of Ryan and listened to his heart beat. He plays with my hair, we stay that way until we fell asleep.

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