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Brendon and I pull away from each other. I glanced behind me and see Ryan stomping angrily up to Brendon.

He pulls Brendon off me and throws him to the ground, crunching his hands into a ball.

He lifted his arm and threw the first punch at Brendon's jaw. Then he throws the second punch at Brendon's stomach. Brendon fought back and pushed Ryan off of him and began to punch Ryan. I cry behind them and beg them to stop.

Ryan flipped Brendon over and continued to punch him. I step forward and pull them apart. Ryan steps back and stares at me, looking angry yet heartbroken at the same time.

I run up to Brendon and helped him up.

"Why?" Ryan asked, his voice shaking.

Tears rolls down my cheek as I try to think of what to say.

I open my mouth but nothing comes out. I look down at the ground, still helping Brendon keep his balance.

"You still love him... do you?..." He asked, sounding heartbroken.

I quickly glanced at Brendon who looked at me with his eyebrows furrowed. He wanted to know as well. I quickly stared back at the ground, tears gliding off my face. I nod to answer Ryan's question.

I looked to the corners of my eyes and see Brendon's eyes sparkle.
I then look at Ryan.
He kept quiet. I examined his damaged face. A single tear fell off his cheeks.

"Ryan... I'm so sorry..." I cried.

"Look.." Ryan started.

"I love you... and... I want what's best for you..." he stated.

"I've seen how you looked at him... it's far different from how you look at me..."

"It hurts that you love someone else.."

"It hurts to know that he makes you happier then I do."

"but- your happiness means the world to me.."

" and if he makes you happy-then.. I don't want to be in your way of finding happiness..." Ryan says, forcing a smile.

I knew he was hurting.

I knew I hurt him.

I knew that he was broken inside.

I still love him... but.... it's not the same.

I pull him into a hug. "Thank you!..." I say... still sobbing.

He hugs back and says goodbye. Before he could leave, I give him a quick friendly kiss on his cheek.

I turn to face Brendon and he had a smile on his face. I smile back. I gaze at his eyes that were slightly throbbing from the punches Ryan gave him. My gaze slowly travels to his lips that were cut open. My smile slowly fades away as I continue to examine his beaten face.

My eyes start to water. Blinking once, a tear fell down my face.

"Hey, hey...." He says, cupping my cheeks with his hands.

"I'm ok... I promise..." he assures me and pulled me into a hug.

"I love you..." I whispered.

"I love you too..." he says back.

I pull away from the hug and grab his arm, dragging him to the kitchen.

"C'mon, let's get you cleaned up" I say, setting him down on a chair.

I walked away and come back, carrying a first aid kit and an ice pack. Setting it on a nearby table, I open it up and grab the rubbing alcohol and bandages.

I kneeled (in the bathtub ;} ) up to his hight and grabbed cotton and soaked it with the rubbing alcohol. I began dabbing it on his cheek that had a few cuts. As I cleaned his wounds, Brendon squirmed when ever the cotton makes contact with his open skin.

"Fuck!" He hissed.

I let out a fake gasp. "Brendon Boyd Urie!"

"Watch your profanity young man!" I say, giggling at the end.

"Ok Mom..." he jokes and playfully rolled his eyes.

I finished cleaning up his wounds and patched them up. Grabbing the ice pack, I got lace it on Brendon's throbbing forehead.

"There ya go!" I say, closing the first aid kit and placed it back in the medicine cabinet.

I walked back to Brendon and helped him off the chair and placed him on the couch.

"Thank you...." he says.

"No problem" I say back giving him a warm smile.

I plop down next to him and turn the TV on. Surfing through channels, I come across Spongebob.

"OoOo!" He yelps, bouncing up and down on the couch.

"Please please please!! Keep it on! I wanna watch!!" He pleaded with a sheepish smile on his face.

"Ok ya goof!" I giggled.

Brendon and I cuddled together as we watched Spongbob. Not gonna lie, I was intrigued.

We continued to lay on the couch and snuggle next to each other. We stayed like that until we both fell asleep.

A/N: sorry if this chapter was crappy. Im starting to have writers block :/

Also, Wut the frick?? How did I get 1k views??!! I'm totally shoOk. No- not shook, Bish- I'm quAKinG! O-0 holy fuck!! *sniffs*

I-I just want to thank my mom, and my step dad *sniffs again* and my two younger, annoying asf, Half brothers. *wipes away invisible tears* for annoying the fuck out of me every single day... thank you for my friends- correction: my friend zachherronusbae 
Who has always been there to annoy me as well... thank you all...

Jk, but seriously! Thank you for reading my books and voting for them!!!
Till next time

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