Credits and Thank You's

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Hello everyone!

I'd like to take this time to thank the people who have supported me through out this book.

Like said before, this is not the last book of the series. But I've published the first chapter of the first book in this series, "Where My Wings Can Take Me" like, idk, 5 or 6 months ago?? Maybe even more, I'm not sure. Throughout this long time, a bunch of people supported me, and I wanted to point these wonderful people out.

Scar_Eyolf _Maleficent_Echo_ _Nerida_ , thank you for putting up with my stupidness, clumsiness, stubbornness, and annoyingness for the surprisingly short time we've been friends. Like, Nerida, you and I have been friends for like, 3 years but thats pretty short if you ask me, haha. It feels like I've known y'all for a life time. And also, thank you for supporting this book. Thanks for not giving up on it and not saying that its a piece of shit like the piece of shit it is.

Besides Scar, Mal, Nerida, Faith (maheenzehra1610 ), and Aphena (whompingwilla ), my OC's, Ruby, Emi (Emi_Amethyst ), Eve, and Evan, and my friends, LD (left4dead0223 ), Fox, DJ, and Kitty.......the setting and other characters (Aphmau, Laurance, Katelyn, Zane, etc.) belong to Aphmau/Jess Empress_Aphmau . I do not take credit for any of these characters. MCD is an amazing series, and I support it all the way, along with Jess and Jason's other series. Thank you, to the both of you, for making something that I could wake up everyday and look forward too.

Also, thank you to the small majority of you readers who found this book, not because they're my friends, but because they actually found this in your search box, or your recommended. I don't know what kind of books you guys were reading to have this piece of shit show up in your recommended, but thank you. Its a bummer that I can't know who you guys are, but if I could, I would give you all a shout out, because y'all deserve it.

I think I've said all that I needed to. If I've forgotten anyone to credit, please comment who, and I will be sure to add him/her to this chapter.

Once again, thank you for reading this piece of shit.

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