Secrets Pt 2

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Corl POV

I run to the edge of the cliff. "Denis!!!!!" I scream. "Denis!!! No... Denis!" I back away from the cliff. "Denis..." I close my eyes. "I'm coming Denis!" I yelled. I opened my eyes and ran to the edge of the cliff again. I planted my foot and pushed off the edge. I stretched my arms out as if they were wings. I looked down and saw... the sky? More specifically... space? I was getting closer to it... "GAHHH!!!!!" I screamed. "Don't worry!" I heard Denis's voice. I looked around. "Where are you???" I yell out. "Let yourself fall! Ill catch you! Trust me!" He yells at me. Let myself fall? I don't want to go to space! "I-I-I-" I stutter. "Just trust me Braden!" He screams, desperate for me to listen. "Ok..." I let myself fall... into space. I closed my eyes, scared at what I might see. "Corl! Look!" Denis said, half laughing. I open my eyes and see....

---- I felt like this would be a good place to stop. Jk lol I'm gonna give you guys this and I'll work on the next chapter as you read this. As always, love your shoes, none of that faffing, take it easy, and I will see you.... IN THE NEXT ONE!--------------

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