~A Series of Unfortunate Events~

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~event 1~

~He found out~

Ethan POV:

Have you ever been in a secret relationship? Well I am. We told NO ONE. If we did we would be in huge trouble. But what happens when someone finds out?

We thought everyone was gone. Or... busy at least.

"I love you... Elijah" I said to him.
"I love you too."

And then we kissed. It was magical. But heard a noise.

"Oh my golly gosh"

I pulled away, my eyes wide. Elijah turned around.

It was Alex. He saw the whole thing.

I teared up. This can't be happening...

Little did I know something worse would happen.

"ELIJAH? ETHAN? YOU GUYS.... WHAT? EWW..." Alex was in shock.

"I-I-it's not what it looks l-like....." Elijah said, trying to save us.


"W-we... Uh.... we" Elijah stuttered.

"I... us...." i said.

"Alex.... just... leave...." Elijah teared up.


"Elijah..." I protested.

"Alex! Please... don't tell anyone..."

" Elijah!"


I grabbed his hand and ran upstairs. We ran to his room and locked the door.

"A-are w-we ok?" I asked.

"Yep." He said smirking. We leaned in.

But then there was a knock on the door.

"W-who is it?" Elijah asked.


"Uh... Fine..." Elijah said.

"Elijah? Are you ok?" He asked.

"Yea... I'm fine..." Elijah said.

"I'm going to hide In the bathroom..." I whispered to Elijah.

"Ok." He whispered back.

"Can I come in?" Denis said.

"Uh sure." Elijah said as I ran into the shower.

"Elijah! Your eyes are red! Are you sure your ok? What's wrong?"

"Nothings wrong..."

And then I messed up. I fell down in the shower. It made a loud THUMP.

"What was that?" Denis asked.

"Uh..." Elijah said.

"IM OK!" I yelled.

Elijah ran into the bathroom.

"Are you ok?!?" He asked.

"Yes I'm fine..."

"Why was Ethan in the bathroom?" Denis asked.

We both started stuttering. Finally I made up an excuse.

"We were hanging out.... and I had to go to the bathroom!" I said.

"Oh..." Denis said. "Are you sure?"

"Yep!" We said at the same time.

"I... have to go eat lunch..." I ran out the door... leaving Denis and Elijah.

"Yep I have to go to!" Elijah said, running after me.

"Elijah wait!" Denis said.

Denis POV:

"Elijah wait!" I said.

"Yes?" He turned around nervously.

"Please tell me what's wrong... I'm here for you bud..."


Pals story ideas/Dorl one shots Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat