10 years later..... pt 3

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No one POV

Has Corl Waited he became more and more anxious. He fidgeted in his seat and held his head low. Alex noticed this.
"It going to be ok..." he tried to reassure Corl. But Alex wasn't to sure if it was going to be alright. The doctor came out of the door with a face of steel, he showed no emotions. Alex was looking at his face as a sign, to see if his friend was alright. The emotion-less doctor showed no signs of good or bad news.
"Would you like to see him?" The doctor asked. Alex and Corl stood up and walked in the room. Denis was laying in the bed, tubes in his nose and a bandage wrapped around his head.
"W-what's g-going o-on? Alex? Hello? Alex!" Denis was scared. He didn't know what happened.
"I'm here din~din! I'm here!" Alex rushed to his bedside and held his arm. Alex was very close to Denis. They had a special bond. Corl, after not seeing Denis for so long, was not very close. He was scared of what could happen to his old bestie. He felt guilty that he wasn't there for him during his darkest time. He rushed beside Alex. Denis was holding Alex's hand, scared and confused.
"Alex? What happened? Was it a dream? Where am I? Is Braden here? Alex!"
"I'm here Denis!" Tears fell down Alex's face. Corl was unsure of what to do.
"Is Braden here?" Denis asked.
"I'm right here denis..." Corl said nervously. Denis let go of Alex's hand and waved his hands around, looking for Corl. Corl grabbed his hand and held it.
"Corl..... I'm so sorry..." Denis told him. "I'm sorry I'm blind... I'm sorry I didn't tell anyone... I'm sorry I can't see your face again.." tears ran down Denis's face.
"I'm sorry I got mad at you... it's not your fault your blind..." Corl looked down.
"It's ok.."
"NO! No it's not ok! I'm a horrible friend!" Corl was now mad at himself... he was an idiot.
"Your an amazing friend!"
"No I'm not!"
"Yes you are!"
"Then Where was I for 10 years? Not with you! Where was I when you became blind? Not with you! Where was I? I was in Edmonton hiding from life!"
"You made a mistake Corl.... I forgive you.." Denis wanted to forgive Corl before he dies. Denis knew his time was up.
"Hey Corl..." Denis knew this may be his last words to Corl...

"I'm actually an alien that is green and eats fart, and eats people named Corl. I will eat you!" Then he ate him. Nom nom nom nom.

Jk XD (one of my friends made up this ending and it was too funny.... I couldn't delete it XD)

"Corl.... when I leave I need you to go to my basement and find a golden key. Use the key to unlock the chest in the attic. In the chest is a note to every pal. The one with the red ribbon is your, purple is Alex's, green is subs, and orange is sketch."

"Don't die Denis..." Corls voice cracked. Tears were streaming from all of their faces.
"I'm sorry Braden... but my time is up." Denis said as a long beep came from a machine beside his bed.
"No! No Denis no!" Alex was crying. "Denis don't leave me!!!!" Doctors rushed in and one of them picked Alex up.
"NO! PUT ME DOWN! DENIS!!!" Alex screamed.
"Goodnight din~din.... I love you..." Corls voice cracked again. He walked out with his head down. When he got out of the room he saw Alex clinging to a doctor, screaming his head off.
"SAVE HIM! HE DIDNT DO ANYTHING! SAVE HIM!!!!" Corl bolted to the door. He ran out to his car and drove to Denis's house. He was determined to find the note. He ran to the basement and shuffled through a bunch of stuff. He saw the key hanging on a coat hook. He grabbed it and ran upstairs to the attic. He found the chest and unlocked it. He grabbed all the rolls of paper ran back to his car. Then drove to the hospital. When he got there Denis was already gone. And Alex was asleep on the chairs.
"Alex!" Corl whispered to him. He awoke immediately.
"Is Denis alive? Denis? Denis!?!?" Alex was at the breaking point.
"I found them. The notes." Corl handed Alex the paper with the purple ribbon. He opened it.

"Dear Alex,
Thank you so much for everything you have done for me. You have been a great friend. You helped me when I was blind. You got me Corkie. You were always there. I can never repay you. But there is something you need to know. A year ago I could see again. I don't know how it happened. I woke up and I saw my room for the first time in 4 years. It was a miracle. You are probably wondering why I never told you. The truth is, it only lasted a day. Which happened to be the day you went away for. I didn't say anything because it would have made no difference. And your probably wondering how I wrote this note. Well it happened again. 11 months later. The day you left me for a whole day again. Now I am writing this letter because before I could see again, I had a vision. A vision that In exactly 1 month I will die. So I wrote these notes. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I'm an awful friend.

~~ love din~din"

At the same time Corl was reading his.

"Dear Braden,

I'm sorry I didn't tell you I was blind early. You were a great friend and I betrayed you. I'm sure that you already know I'm blind. Maybe Alex told you. Maybe I told you, I don't know. But there is something you need to know. A year ago I could see again. I don't know how it happened. I woke up and I saw my room for the first time in 4 years. It was a miracle. But it only lasted a day. Which happened to be the day Alex went away for. I didn't say anything to Alex because it would have made no difference. And your probably wondering how I wrote this note. Well it happened again. 11 months later. The day alex left me for a whole day again. Now I am writing this letter because before I could see again, I had a vision. A vision that In exactly 1 month I will die. So I wrote these notes. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I'm an awful friend.

~~ love din~din"

Tears poured out of corl and Alex's eyes.
"I'll call the twins." Corl said through tears. "You call sub." They wanted to call the pals first. Corl called sketch.

"Hey Elijah..."
"Hey Braden! Long time no talk!"
"How quick can you make it to England?"
"Uh... Denis... He... *voice crack* d-died..."
"Omg Braden im so sorry. I'll be there in a few days." Sketch started to cry. Denis was a great friend. He called Ethan, who was at college.
"Ethan get home right now." Sketches voice cracked.
"Denis is gone. I'm heading to England."
"He's gone? Omg no way. He's too young!"
"Just get back home. Say it's a family emergency." Sketch hung up and started to pack.

~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~

Sketch arrived in England with Ethan. They quickly went to the address Corl gave them. Alex was a mess. Braden was helping Alex. Sketch was quick to hug them. He hadn't seen them in years. Tears poured out of all their eyes. It was a sad time.
"Elijah.... Denis left something for you." Corl gave him the note.

"Dear Elijah,

You were such a great friend. You were always there for me. You made me laugh. There is something I never told you though.... I quit youtube because I became blind. Alex will explain this in detail later. But there is something else you need to know. A year ago I could see again. I don't know how it happened. I woke up and I saw my room for the first time in 4 years. It was a miracle. But it only lasted a day. Which happened to be the day Alex went away for. I didn't say anything to Alex because it would have made no difference. And your probably wondering how I wrote this note. Well it happened again. 11 months later. The day alex left me for a whole day again. Now I am writing this letter because before I could see again, I had a vision. A vision that In exactly 1 month I will die. So I wrote these notes. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I'm an awful friend.

~~ love din~din"

"Omg.... He was blind? And he didn't tell me?"
"He didn't tell anyone but Alex." Corl said. Corl explained the story because Alex was in no shape to. He barely talked. He was broken. Ethan was comforting sketch. He was crying. The funeral was tomorrow. They decided to go out and get some suits. Even Alex went. It was going to take a while, but they will heal.... eventually.

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