Stressed out pt 2

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Alex POV

I wake up in a hospital bed, tubes up my nose. I look around. Denis, Corl, and Sketch are sitting chairs.
"Alex!" sketch noticed I was awake. I went to smile, but then I remembered everything that happened. Denis and Corl looked asleep, they were lying their heads on each other.
"W-what h-happened?" I asked weakly.
"We called 911 after you passed out. They rushed you here in an ambulance. That was 6 hours ago." Sketch explained. I checked the time. It was midnight.
"When am I leaving?" I asked.
"They said tomorrow."
"Alex!" Denis exclaimed, waking up.
"Mmmm? Oh- Alex!" Corl woke up. They all hugged me.
"Alex? Why were you so upset?" Denis asked. I looked away.
"I need to tell you something." I said quietly.
"Anything." They said at the same time.
"But not here..." I chickened out. "Not now..."
"Whenever your ready alex." Corl said.
~~time skip~~~
When we got home I stumbled to my room and face planted on my bed. Sketch followed me.
"Hey are you ok?" He asked.
"Y-yeah... I just need some sleep..." and that's what I did. Sleep. For 12 hours. When I woke up the room was dark. I checked the time. It was noon. Why is my room so dark? I see that the door is closed, and the curtains were shut. They were helping me sleep. On my desk was a sandwich, with a note:
Dear Alex,
We won't pressure you to tell us what's wrong, but we don't like when your upset. Just remember you can tell us anything, we are here for you. We love you and wouldn't want anything to happen to you.

~Love the pals

I sucked in a bunch of air. Then let it all out. I slowly ate my sandwich. I stuffed the note in my pocket and walked downstairs. I saw Denis with his head on the table, hands over his head. Corl had his arm around Denis, head on his back. Sketch had his face in his hands.
"Um..." I didn't know what to say. Denis lifted his head, making Corl and Sketch raise their heads too.
"Alex." They said, jumping up and embracing me with a hug. I hugged them back. I felt warm inside. I could tell they were curious to know why I was upset. I wanted to tell them so bad. But I couldn't do it. We just stood there and hugged, no one moving or making any sound.
"I'm gay."

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