How To Get a Boyfriend

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Corl POV:

I suddenly felt very mischievous....

I walked up to Denis and put my arm around him.

"Are you a keyboard? Cuz your my type."

"Corl are you ok?" He asked me.
"More than ok! Can I ask you a question?"
"Uhh... ok?" He nervously said.

"Are you Wifi? Because I'm feeling a connection."

He put his hand on my forehead.
"Are you sick or something?" He was very confused.  I smirked.

"Your hand looks heavy... let me hold it for you." I grabbed his hand and held it.

"Alex!" He yelled. "Help me! Corls acting strange!"

"Are you a magician? Because every time I look at you everyone else disappears."

Suddenly he smirked.

"Corl I hope you know CPR!" He stated.

"Why?" I asked, curious.

"Because you take my breath away."

"Well Denis!" I said back to him. "Can I borrow a kiss? I promise I will give it back."

He kissed me.

"Uh... I will leave now..." Alex said, backing out of the room.

We continued to kiss until I pulled away.

"They say Disneyland is the happiest place on earth." I told denis. "Apparently they have never been in your arms."


I found a pickup line book on wattpad and I thought I would use some for a one shot. 😂 this was both aDORLble and corny. Anyways... love your shoes! None of that faffing! Take it easy! And I will see you..... IN THE NEXT ONE!!!!

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