The Deep Dark Pit Of DespairTM

135 7 7

Corl POV

Darkness. Complete, and utter, darkness.

It was calming to a stressed soul.

Tear ran down my cheeks.

Don't ask me why.... I couldn't tell you.

That same darkness that calmed the stressed soul also devoured it and spit it into a deep, dark, pit of despair.

Also known as the corner in my closet.

That's where I was hiding. "Hiding from what?", you may ask...

Life. I was hiding from life.

Maybe my life wasn't as stressful as it would be to some people.... but I just found everything... a bit much...

I wanted to sleep. I wanted to have a very deep, calming sleep.....

I wanted to sleep forever.

But that's humanly Impossible....

so instead life decides that the person you least want to find you in the pit of despair.... finds you.


The blinding light and the creaking of the closet door awake me from my trance.


I don't answer. It's not that I don't want to....I can't. My mouth won't move.

"Oh my gosh, Braden! What's wrong?"

Tears fall down harder.

He's concerned for me. It's adorable..... but I don't want him to be upset.... that I'm upset.

He picked me up. Again... don't ask me why. It's like he read my mind.... he knows...

And he carries me into the blinding light that is reality.

I bury my head in his chest. I was scared. I don't like to admit it.... but I was actually terrified.

Terrified.... of.. judgement.... of people caring too much.... of hurting people.... of people hurting me.... of responsibility's.... of life....

"What's wrong?"

Of that...

I can't tell him what's wrong when I myself don't know the answer.



More silence.

My mouth refuses to respond.

He hugs me tighter.

"It will be ok..."

That's a load of crap.

"I promise"

More crap.

He starts rocking me..... like a child.

It felt good.

I felt free..... I felt.... happy...

Only Denis can do that.

He's the only one that can make me happy...

But it never lasts...

The darkness will always take over. It will always throw me into the deep dark pit of despair.

But I'm happy.... for now...

Alas you have reached the end of this chapter ):

Part 2?

Sorry I haven't been updating!

I've been really busy with other stuff.

Anyways that's all for now!

Kat out 😜

Pals story ideas/Dorl one shots Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang