Don't Forget Me

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Warning: very long chapter! this should make up for being so inactive hopefully!


"Are you sure you want to do this?" Denis said, breathing heavily.

"I don't want to do this... I need to do this." Corl said, gripping the gun in his hand. They were hiding in a bush, the moon as their only light source. Quickly and quietly Corl crawled towards their target. The target wasn't even trying to hid, a smirk plastered on his face, bright white hair shining in the moonlight. Denis questioned this. Why is he just standing there in plain sight? He knows they were going after them. Denis looked over at Corl and nodded. Corl then quietly moved out of Denis's sight. He then went the opposite way. Carefully, they got closer to the target. Denis swore he heard a heavy breathing, but it could have just been himself. He gripped his own gun, ready for almost anything. Suddenly there was a rustle in the bushes where corl was. Denis knew Corl would never had made that much noise unless....

"ATTACK!" Their target yelled. Denis was ambushed as he tried to run away. His attacker dragged Denis's heavy body towards the middle; where the target waiting, still smirking. They had been lead into a trap. Denis cursed himself. He had lead both him and Corl into this... and he knew he would pay for it. His attacker threw him into the middle, and Denis noticed that somehow he had tied him up. He tried to wiggle out of them, but they wouldn't budge. He looked up and saw Corl was also tied up, a gun held to his head. Their enemies wore all black, the only colour on them was a bandana that covered half their face. The one wearing a green bandana held corl at gunpoint. The one wearing an orange bandana was holding Denis from Corl. And their leader, wearing the purple bandana around his neck, stood in the middle smirking.

"Fools." he said in a British accent.

"Alex." Denis said through his teeth. Alex's smirk grew. The rest of them brought the bandanas to their necks, revealing their faces.

"Sub and Sketch. So that's why you wouldn't help us.. you were already on the other side" Corl said, earning Sub drilled the gun into his head.

"Let him go!" Denis yelled. "Take me instead."

"Denis... don't.." corl said, slightly choked up. He knew either way he wasn't going to see Denis for a long time. "let Denis go and I will give you all the information you seek."

"C-Corl..." They looked at each others eyes. "I'm sorry.. this is my fault we are here.." Denis muttered.

"No its my fault. I needed to do this... and it didn't go as planned.." corl held back his tears.

"Shut up, love birds, its both your fault. We have outsmarted you and you have failed." Sketch said bluntly.

"No they were just getting to the good part!" Sub slightly fangirled over the moment. Denis looked up at sketch, a sort of sad look on his face.

"we failed?" Denis said. "You really believe we failed?" Denis and corl smirked. Then they disappeared.

"WHAT?! WHERE DID THEY GO?!" Alex yelled, looking around, battle ready.

"Surprise!" Corl jumped in from above, then shot sketch and sub. They fell to the ground as Alex ran towards corl. Just before Alex got to him there was a bang and Alex joined them on the ground, Denis smirking behind him.

"Who outsmarted who?" Denis told the unconscious bodies as he high fived Corl. Their plan had worked.

"Lets bring them home." Corl said with a smile. They both hauled the three bodies back, Denis carrying two people simply because he was the stronger of the two. They placed them in the living room and tied them, very tightly, in chair.

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