Party Theory

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Artemi comes back from his game and the next day we go in search for outfits. It was hard to find something that wasn't super slutty but not super cheesy either. Plus it doesn't help that I don't know what half of these things are because I never watch tv or movies or anything like that.

"What about this" Artemi asks holding up a outfit.

"You want to go as a fisherman" I laugh.

"Not really, it was the first thing I picked up" he shrugs putting it back. We continue to look around and laugh at some of these ridiculous costumes. Most of these I wouldn't be caught dead in.

Naturally I stumble into the Disney isle because not even I can resist the magical pull of Walt's movies. I was just human after all. I look around and smile when I finally found something I liked.

"What about this" I ask pulling it up.

"You want to go as Peter Pan and tinker bell" he asks.

"Yeah! I think it works for us" I say and he smiles. "What" I ask.

"I like it when you talk about us" he claims and I blush.

"Is that a yes or no for the outfit" I laugh.

"Yeah, I think it's cute" he nods.

We purchase the outfits and head over to my place to change. I help Artemi figure it out because he was confused on what to put on first. In his defense it was pretty complex. Once he was done he played with Hank while I got ready.

About ten minutes later I come out of my room and let out a sigh.

"For a outfit based off a children's movie, you would think this would be a lot more covering" I insist. The little leaf skirt barley covering what it should and she strapless top showing more than I ever had before. I was uncomfortable to say the least. "I feel like a idiot" I admit messing with my wings on my back. I wanted to be the cute little fairy not her sexy step mom.

"Are you aware that you're a extremely attractive woman" he asks.

"I don't look in the mirror long enough to come to a real conclusion" I admit.

"Then let me explain it to you.

You made me rethink what I thought it meant to be beautiful. I look in your eyes and I realize that beauty isn't what looks like everything else, but what makes us different. I've never seen a pair of eyes like yours, so deep and so bright. They always find me when I need them the most and that is one of the greatest feelings ever. And your smile... I will do literally anything to see that thing shine like it does. I can't explain it, whenever you smile I smile. And those lips, those lips I craved for so long that taste like I dreamed they would. Never have I kissed lips so sweet, I've never held skin so soft. I've never been so infatuated with such details of another in my life. From the first time I laid eyes on you I knew you were special. And I was right, behind your pretty face and nice body was a beautiful soul, and that's the beauty I see when I see you" he says softly.

"I still look ridiculous" I giggle.

"Well I'm wearing tights so I think I win" he insists.

"I think you look great in those tights" I claim and he smirks.

"Is that so" he teases and I nod my head. "I think I'm rocking these tights" he claims causing me to giggle

"For sure" I assure him.

We drive over to Jonny's place which was just as nice on the inside as it was on the outside. I can hear the party from down the street and that made me feel uneasy. I didn't know these people and I wasn't sure if I wanted to. No offense, but I don't need added problems and human error is one of the few things guaranteed in life and...

"Gabriella" Artemi says snapping my stare. "Stick next to me and if you're uncomfortable at any point, and I mean even in the slightest, tap my shoulder twice and we'll leave... okay" he asks and I smile.

"Okay" I nod. He slips my hand in his and I follow him into the house.

We walk in and immediately I get over whelmed. There was people everywhere dressed as various over sexual and just plain weird things. Hockey players really are weird.

Artemi drags me to a corner where Jonny and Lindsey are and I let out a sigh of relief.

"Yay you guys made it" Lindsey says giving me a hug. Still not used to the whole hugging thing.

"Hey, nice place" I smile trying to hide how unnatural I felt.

"Thanks. It keeps us warm in the winter" she shrugs.

I sit and talk to Jon and Lindsey for a little until someone us comes to us. I think I've seen her before I can't tell considered everyone was dressed up.

"Oh yay, Amanda's here. Amanda this is Gabriella. Gabriella this is Patrick's girlfriend, Amanda" she introduces. I go to shake her hands but she pulls me into a hug. This is just a weird phenomenom if you ask me.

"You look amazing! I love your costume" Amanda says letting me go.

"Thanks, it's a bit much for me but whoever had fun being a innocent fairy" I joke.

"Touché" she says.

Eventually the guys break off and walk around and I end up talking to Amanda and Lindsey. It's not that I can't talk to people, meeting new people is easy because they know nothing about you and they can't think of you of being a weird robot person if they don't know you. I would just rather stay home. But I have to admit I was having fun. The conversations weren't forced and these people weren't bad at all.

"Here, you want a drink" Amanda asks offering me a beer.

"No thank you, I don't consume alcohol" I admit.

"How on earth do you do that" she asks.

"Alcohol is a depressant made to reduce stimuli causing the person to be less reactant to their current situation. All it does is impair judgment and alter reality to make a illusion that things are okay, even though they aren't. People drink to forget or to worry less but I can't seem to find a good enough reason to drink. It's the most addictive form of depressants leading to side effects like impaired judgments and intoxication which has problems of their own... let alone the ones they're trying to cover up" I explain.

"Holy shit... are you like smart or something" Amanda asks and I laugh.

"Yeah... lets go with that" I shake my head.

Not too long after that Artemi finds me and wraps his hands around my waist. He rests his head on my shoulder and I pat his arm.

"Wanna dance" he asks.

"Oh, I don't know about that" I admit.

"Just one song. If you don't like it we can stop" he assures me.

"Okay" I nod and he smiles. He drags me to wherever the music was playing and grabs my hips.

"Just listen to the music" he instructs. "Let it take you" he continues.

I wrap my fingers around his neck and pull him in close. I see him smile out of the corner of my eyes and I knew we were going to be okay.

We dance around for a little and I couldn't help but notice I've never felt like this before. The way my heart was beating to the sound of the music, the way he made me feel so good. He holds me close and doesn't let me stray too far. One song turns into five and I finally let loose. I turn around so my backside meets his front. He grabs my waist extra tight and pulls me into him. He lightly kisses my neck and I couldn't help but smile. While this isn't something I thought I would enjoy... I find it quite enjoyable. And maybe it wasn't what I was doing, but who I was going it with.

I Hope You Dance (Artemi Panarin)Where stories live. Discover now