Broken Heart Theory

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"Skate harder" Coach Q yells as we roll through lines at practice. He really didn't really need to say that for us to know, yet he's said it like 20 times today.

We had a few more preseason games to get through before the season starts. I've been moving around the lineup but been playing a lot with Hossa and Jonny. They're not Patrick but they're both going into the hall of fame anyway so it's still a pretty good gig.

After about thrity minutes I was tired and ready to shower. I wash off and change before heading to my car.

"Hey Breadman, Lindsey and I are about to meet Patrick and Amanda for lunch. You're more than welcomed to join us" Jonny says stoping me in the parking lot.

"Thanks for the offer but I'm gonna take a rain check" I sigh.

"Why" he asks.

"It's not the same without Gabby. I really don't want to be a fifth wheel" I insist.

"Why don't you bring Anisimov" he suggests.

"No thanks" I try.

"I hate seeing you all mopey like this. It's weird and I don't like it" he claims.

"I don't either. It's just... I miss her so much. And I didn't realize what her being away was going to do to me. How I think. Everything I knew about this place, I knew it with her. And now that she's gone I'm so unsure about so many things. I just need to go home and think about some stuff" I shrug.

"Alright. Well if you need anything let me know" he nods.

"Thanks Captain" I tease and he laughs. He jogs over to his car and I head to mine. I throw my stuff in the back and drive home.

It's been about a week since gabby left and I have been feeling weird. I cry almost every time someone mentions tea and I drive past her apartment all the time expecting to see the blinds closed but they're always open. That's how I know she's not there. And a lot of that is because of me, but I know that if she doesn't at least go and see for herself what she would be missing out on it would kill her inside. Kind of like how being away is killing me inside.

I get to my apartment and sluggishly walk up there. I get to my door and see a large brown box sitting there. I walk closer to it and go to pick it up but it starts moving. I jump back a little afraid to know what it is. I swear if this is Corey and Duncs pranking me again I'm going to kill them.

I slowly open up the top and a little brown head pops up.

"Holy shit" I whisper as he brings his head back inside. I go over and open the box all the way and the dog sits there looking up at me. Not barking or anything, kinda smiling actually. He had a collar and two bowls and a leash and some food.

"What the hell is going on" I mumble staring at the dog. He lets out a little bark and it actually made me smile. He was really cute.

I pick him up and hold him to my side. He was really young and kind of looked like Hank but a different color. I look at the name tag and it said "Tank" and I laugh.

"Tank" I say and his ears perk up. How cute is he? "Who sent you" I ask. I look into the box and see a note at the bottom. I pick it up and smile big when I see the handwriting.

"Dear Artemi,
Hank has been shunning me because we left you without mans best friend, so we figured we could help you out. This is Hanks nephew, Tank. He obviously can't replace Hank, but he can try. He's a good boy and make sure you take care of him. He likes to go on runs and have his belly scratched a lot. When you can't be there to take care of him Yuila and Andrew will. The kids already love him since he's spent the last few days there getting house trained. So he is ready for his daddy to love him, take good care of him as I know he will take good care of you too. I love you so much, I miss you more and more with each passing second. Keep making me proud.
- Love You, Gabriella."

I open the door to my apartment and set him down. Tank goes out to explore the place and I bring in all his stuff. There was a little dog bed and I set it by his food and water. I hang his leash by the door and turn around to see he was gone.

"Tank" I call out and I hear the thud of little paws on the floor. He comes running in and stops right in front of me. His little tongue hangs out as he waits for me to say something.

"You're pretty well trained, huh" I ask. "Lay down" I command and he does. "Roll over" I try and he does that too. He might not be Hank, but he was pretty cool too.

I lay down on the floor and he comes over to me. That's a new one, I didn't even know dogs did that. I put him on my chest and he starts to lick my face.

"Oh man. I wanted a kiss, but not from you" I laugh. I pull out my phone and take some pictures of me and my new friend. It was about noon which means it's 1 in New York. I wasn't sure if she's busy but I decide to give Gabby a face time and hope I'm not bothering her.

To my surprise she answers in her extremely nice hotel room and was just chilling in bed.

"You know, you are the most amazing soul" I start and she giggles.

"I see you got your gift" she smiles.

"I did. He's actually perfect" I admit petting his fluffy head. He had soft ears just like Hank.

"He's special just, like his uncle" she claims. "Look at the back of his name tag" she instructs.

I turn it over and see it said service dog. And his service was to heal a hurting heart.

"Gabby" I gasp trying not to cry. Not again at least.

"I hate that I can't be there, even Hank is missing his walks in the city. But I want something there I know you can put your love into. And I hope it's him" she explains.

"I love him already" I smile. "Shouldn't you be at work" I ask.

"I just woke up" she explains.

"It's almost 1 there" I realize.

"Well I went to bed at 8" she says.

"You're not sleeping well" I ask.

"Old habits die hard" she defends.

"Sleeping isn't a habit. It natural" I argue.

"It's hard to sleep when your brain never shuts off. Worried about every little thing. Knowing what I know. Sleep isn't natural, it's forced if it's there is any at all" she explains.

"I wish I could help" I admit.

"You do. That's another reason I can't sleep" she claims. I stare at her through the screen as she fiddles with her blanket in her lap.

"I would give anything to be in bed with you. To hold you close and tell you how much I love you. To run my fingers through your long hair and listen to your heart beat. To not want you, to have you" I say softly.

"I uh... I have to go. My, friend, I guess, is here" she says as there knocking in the background.

"Of course. Make me proud" I smile.

"I love you so much" she reminds me.

"Love you too."

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