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A/N: Thank you all for being so nice and patient coz F*** YEAHHHHH IM BACK

You rushed out of your door, quickly slipping on a coat before you left. Rain was starting to fall, and you couldn't risk getting sick.

"CREDENCE!" You yelled in the streets frenzily. The rain fell steadily on the hood of your coat, soaking into the warm fabric.

You couldn't really see well, but you continued searching through the now pouring rain. Credence actually didn't go far. He stayed in the nearest rubbish dump, hiding behind the bags and bags of rubbish, scared that he would get lost.

He could see you in the gaps of the rubbish bags. You were rumbling around, shouting his name in the pouring rain.

It was a big comparison to see you so cold ten minutes ago, and so desperate and caring now. Credence's eyes welled with tears. The garbage bag above his head was starting to flop onto his suitcase, which he had used as a hat. The rain had soaked the rubbish bag and he shivered from the cold.

I should go out. She's worried for me. .....but what if she does that again? And what if she found out what I did to our cat? She'll kill me for sure.....

"Come on, Credence! Come back!" You yelled, clutching your coat tighter. You saw a small scuffle near the rubbish dump. A few bags of foul- smelling rubbish fell off the pile and landed on the wet ground.

"Credence?" You croaked, edging closer. You wiped your wet hair off your forehead, and scrunched up your nose as you kicked a few of the rubbish bags away. Your slippers were ruined, but you didn't care. As long as your Credence was safe, you could have worn tattered and broken heels for all you cared.

He crouched on the floor, holding his suitcase above his head, trembling. He was still worn in his home clothes, and didn't have a coat on.

"You didn't have to find me." Credence whispered, nearly inaudible in the pouring rain.

"You're wet! You can't go on like this in the rain, you'll catch a cold." You held out your hand to help him up. He looked up at you, and seemed to reach into your eyes and hear your voice inside.

I love you, Credence. Come back, please.

Trust was not an easy thing. Credence didn't put his whole trust in Newt. Tina. Queenie. Definitely not his mother.

Only you.

A/N: Oh my god. I can't believe that there's like 581 reads! I know it's a tiny amount compared to the other Credence fan fictions, but thank you all so much for reading.

On another note........

I don't have much inspiration. I'm a bit peeved with everything. Like legit everything. Sorry. I actually have more ideas about a collab with disney and Harry Potter. Or I could write something along the line of another fanfic..... comment your ideas. I need it a lot. Thank you so much.


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