Chapter 7

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- - -S C A R L E T' S P O V- - -

We all look at BTS at our dorm in shock and confused.

They saw us and Jungkook grabs Julianna's stuff like a gentleman along with V helping out Gaby.

I sigh and felt my stuff got taken then I saw Suga grab it. He smiled at me and I smile back. I love my cousin. (Crying rn)

Then I heard Julianna and Gabriella were bickering about the members but I guess they are joking though.

Julianna was bickering about Rap Monster which he is the mid tall guy with sunglasses on, thar speaks better English which got me shocked that he does.

Then I saw Jungkook getting a bit jealous so she started to hug him tight which I thought was cute.

Gabriella bickering about Jimin who wears an earring on one ear and nice silk hair.

Suddenly I saw Jhope was going to approach to them but he looked at me and walked back.

I look down and blushed then my body goes intense. Gabriella asks, "Hey. Why are you guys here?" They all said unison, "We are just bored.."

I jumped a bit by how they all said it together and I laughed a bit by how beautiful it sounded.

Julianna said, "This is our dorm room. Not your hangout place." Jimin said in a soft tone, "Why? You don't want us here??"

I accidentally said, "aww." by how cute he acted but I guess he didn't mind.

Gabriella said, "Whatever." but she laughed cause they are were joking around again.

Suddenly Suga said, "I want food.." I laughed and Julianna said, "Ugh. Fine Agust, come help me Kookie."

Jk nodded and followed her to the kitchen.

Gabriella and V decide to go watch a movie so they sat at my couch and get out a horror movie, called Bride of Chucky. (Idk you don't know what it is the movie; I will show you.)

Everyone all sat down together in the couch.

I position myself to where Gaby and V sat, Jin with Jimin, Rap Monster is beside V, and I sat next to...Jhope.

(Play the song on top for a good scene in your head)

My heart rate increased when I noticed that he is next to me. Then I saw Julianna was done making food and Suga along with Jungkook join us.

We started the movie and watched it together while we eat the food.

Then when the scary part came, I jumped and got scared then accidentally buried my face on Jhope's chest. (Ahaha! I am freaking out!)

I froze and look to my left then saw Gaby and Julie smirk at each other when they saw us.

I look up to see Jhope look down at me. I couldn't move and felt my face redden. His face was redden too and I couldn't move.

Suddenly his phone rang and his face got back to being cold then he excused himself. I sigh as I watch him walk off somewhere.

Later, we didn't finish watching the movie but we did eat the food. I thought it was funny.

Then Gaby and V left to go on their date again. I kinda of felt jealous that they are.

I heard another phone ring and it came from Julie. She pick it up and ask who it was.

Her eyes widen and she nodded on the conversation then ended the call. She said to us, "It was my mom. She wants me to invite them. Want to come?"

I nod and Suga grabs my head then shakes it again. I said, "I hate you" in a joking way. He smiled at me then said, "I know.."

We all agreed to go and started heading there. What will happen to us, right?

Another short cliffhanger.

I am crying rn by the cute moment with me and Jhope.

Hope you like this rn! XxX

Academia de Charmé   ||Completed||Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt