Chapter 14

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- -S C A R L E T' S P O V- -


Angeline turns to face us and said, "What is she talking about?!" Julie said, "Ugh....she doesn't know what she is saying...she's pertaining fact, she's the snake in the school."

She faces Harriette and said, "Right?" Harriet didn't make eye contact but said, "Yeah..." Angie said, "Your right."

Me and Julie looked at each other and we were saying with our eyes that was a close one.

Then we continue eating.

-flashback end and back to reality-

Me, Gaby, and Julie were in the headquarters right now, planning on the event.

Julie is doing something for the spirit week (or maybe sports week?) with Celine's help. Gaby was at the phone, calling someone for the event probably.

I sat alone and look at my phone to text my parents that things are fine until someone came in. It was the guys.

V came in and he was going to get Gaby but saw her so busy. He sat down with her and watched her.

Jungkook came in and he went to Julie then she said, "Hey Jagiya." and kiss his cheek then continued working.

Then I heard the door close and I look up to see Jhope is here. Suddenly everything went slow and then I watch Jhope walking to the sofa across me.

He is suddenly so perfect even with those cold eyes. His face is like a puzzle piece and the way he walks is a bit mysterious.

I got lost in my own imagination now.

-Imagination Time-

I was surrounded by those sluts and were going to beat me up until someone grab their hand and push them off.

I look up to see Jhope was there and was protecting me. He grabbed my hand and hugged me.

I gasp and he said, "I won't let you get hurt...I love you Scarlet." I was shaking in shock and he pull back to look at me.

I said softly, "I love you too...." He smiled at me and lean in slowly.

-End of Imagination to reality-

I was leaning in until Celine said, "WAKE UP SCARLET!" I look up and said, "Oh....hey CeCe."

CeCe said, "Are you even listening?!" I yawn a bit and said in a soft tone, "What was that again?"

CeCe told me what she said but I was focused on someone then spot Jhope with Julie and Gaby, it look like they are talking about something.

Gaby and Julie suddenly are begging Jhope and then Julie and Gaby clapped their hands of happiness.

They led Jhope to where I am with CeCe and I felt my heart drop. What are they doing?

Gaby said, "Hey CeCe, did you tell her already?" CeCe said as she looked at me, "Not yet cause someone seem to be in outer space." I looked down innocently.

Gaby said, "No worries. We'll tell her. Go continue your works." CeCe nods and exits out to finish work.

Julie said, "Scar, stand up for a sec." I got up and Julie said, "Can you do me a favor?" I said, "Sure..."

Julie said, "Can you buy some stuff we need for the event? And don't worry, Hobi will be with you." I was in shock yet I was happy but didn't show how happy I was.

Academia de Charmé   ||Completed||जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें