Chapter 20

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- -S C A R L E T' S P O V- -

I started to shake to see Jhope here. I thought, "What the hell, Julie!?" I was going to go but the waiter got there in time and asked, "Miss Scarlet, where are you going?" I think and said, "Um-uh I want to go to the bathroom.." then I was ready to go.

But someone called my name. It's was Jhope and he said in a cold tone, "Hey Scarlet." I sigh and face him then said fakely, "Hey! Jhope!" with a fake cheerful smile.

I look at the chair and sat down but I lower my head so I won't stare at him. Then he finally said in worried voice, "What happen to your wrist?!"

I jump and look at it then saw that cut so I face up at him but without making eye contact. I said, "ummmm.... I accidentally cut it when I was peeling a um...uh..." I bet he is waiting for me to answer and I am just here freaking out.

I said to myself inside my head, "Think Scarlett Think!" I thought loud until I said, "I accidentally cut it when I peeling a mango." I see him not buying it but he changes his mind.

I look down to see his knuckles bruised and I ask, "What happened to your knuckles?" He said, "I scratched it to the point where it got bruised." I said, "Really?"

He just chuckles and says, "Well you thought of a dumb excuse so why not think of a dumber one?" I feel my face redden of embarrassment and was going to ask something but the waiter came here.

He ask us if we want something to eat. I got off and explain to him, "Look is there a meeting at our school right?" He shook his head and said, "No meeting, but a date for Mr. and Mrs. Jung Hoseok."

He continued as I got so confused, "Are you Mrs. Jung and Mr. Jung. Right?" I started to think, "I guess my friends love me too much....shit!" I nod and Jhope suddenly said, "Can you leave us alone for a second?"

He nodded and left then we sat there in silent. I just look down at my shoes and it was so awkward.

I suddenly said, "Jhope...I....I.....I'm sorry." then I was going to go as I stand up. But I felt a hand on my wrist which got my cuts. I look at Jhope who is up and I try to let go but he said, "Where are you going.....Please.....don't leave me."

I face him, my eyes started to tear up and I looked miserable. Suddenly I started to break and said, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Then Jhope hugged me and calmed me down as I cry. He is so soft and gentle like a panda.

He then lead me to the chair and we both sat down then he said, "Shhh. Everything will be fine now. Please don't cry." When he said that, I calmed down and got courage to look at him.

I face him and he wipes my tears away then I said emotional with tears again, "...Hobi, don't be sorry. I know you can't show your true feelings. It-it-it's my fault! I shouldn't have never forced you. I'm sorry...I really am. If you hate me....I under-under-understands......why-"

After that, I got cut off by Jhope shuting me up with a kiss on the lips. I gasp and froze. (Ahahaha! I love my friends!! 😍💖)

-Julie POV-

I was praying that something will happened to the two that I tricked. Then I head out followed by Gaby. We were talking about how it will go and if they are fine.

Then we heard someone calling us. It's Suga. Oh no! I said, "Hey, have you see Scarlet?" Gaby and I said, "ummm...she is at um.."

I got a idea and said, "she is patrolling the area." Suga said, "Oh ok. I'll just call her." Gaby said, "No! She's fine. We just called her." Suga said, "Ok. I'll check on her."

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