Chapter 1

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Inside the club, it was like dancing with the Northern Lights; beneath the smoke released from the smoke machines, a series of blues, acid greens, hot pinks and gold flashed around the club. The music played over the dance floor as if had fused with the bodies. Confetti and glitter flew around the dance floor in unison with the dancing people. Loud house music played, blasting in my ear causing my heart to thump to the bass in the background. I searched the nightclub, looking for the familiar faces of my friends that I was supposed to meet up with. As I walked through the sea of dancing people, I realised that the dance floor was like an abused chess board. On it's glowing silver square tiles, were spilled drinks and broken glass. The scene and atmosphere seemed so thrilling and sexual, with strangers grinding on other strangers. Pushing through the crowd, I tried to avoid the sexual contact of people touching my breasts and other revealing body parts. I hold my breath like I was going underwater; but instead, I was holding my breath to disguise the stench of vomit and alcohol. Finally reaching the location of my friends who were sat at the opposite side of the entrance, I greet them with a smile. "Look at you, Ana!" My roommate, Kate, squealed. I blush a crimson red like the colour of my dress before hugging her. 

"It's really nice to see you and everyone else." She kisses me on the cheek.

"Jose is here by the way!" 

"Oh, is he?" Jose is one of my close friends who I met when I was in design college several years back. 

"Ana!" He calls out to me, looking me up and down. I feel tempted to slap the grin off of his face. But I don't "You look fantastic tonight." 

"Thank you, Jose." He nods and leans in to kiss my cheek. I reluctantly let him. "So uh, how's work?" 

"Oh come on, you don't really wanna be asking about work on a lively night like this!" I gesticulated, rolling my eyes before making my way over to Kate, snatching her drink from her hand and sipping from it.

"Hey, I was drinking that." 

"Well now you aren't." She grabs me gently by the wrist. 

"Come on, let's go dance." She grabs the drink from my hands and pulls me to the dance floor. I'm dancing like this is my last night on Earth, but I think that's just the way my mind avoids thinking about the hangover to come tomorrow morning. The music controls me as if I'm a puppet on a string, my head so fused into the music that my brain is in shut down mode. There's so much sweat on my skin and not all of it's mine. The alcohol was like an energy boost, the music was like a sweet nectar, pumping ecstasy and adrenaline into my system. Kate and I dance side my side, hands in the air. Jose and a few more friends join us on the dance floor. By now, not an inch of the dance floor was vacant. Jose stands behind me, swinging his hips against my back. Grimacing, I move away and walk to our table to grab Kate's drink before returning to the dance floor. I sway my hips in time with Kate, spilling my drink on the floor every now and then. 

Someone pushes me, making me knock my drink over myself. I curse loudly and find my way to Kate. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom, I need to clean my dress." She signals a thumbs up and I sober up slightly as I walk to the bathroom. Pushing open the door, a girl is leaning over the toilet, throwing up all over the place whilst her friend is holding her hair out of her face. I realised that I was going to end up like her tomorrow morning. I walk over to the sink, my heels tapping against the chipped tiles. The cold water comes rushing out of the faucet and I splash it over the deep, burgundy stain on my red dress. The feeling of cold water on my hands instantly cools me down. After 'attempting' to clean my dress, I look at myself in the mirror and shake my head. I've been dancing for a while now and I needed some fresh air. Taking a deep breath, I walk out of the bathroom, the music fading back into my ears as if I just came up to the surface after being underwater. 

The cold air bit at my skin like a thousand little bites. I rub my hands up and down my arm, shivering. I watch a few people talking, drinking and smoking. It felt good to dance the night away but it was getting excessive now. I lean over the balcony and let the July air seep into my skin. "Here." I hear a voice behind me. I turn my attention to the voice and notice a guy with light brown hair and he wore a deep navy blue shirt with his sleeves rolled up to his elbows. 


"I couldn't help but notice that you were shivering. Take my jacket." I thought about declining his offer but I had to accept it. I was too cold to say no. 

"Thank you so much." I smile at him and take his coat from his grip. I pull it over my shoulders and breathe in the scent. It didn't smell sweaty and disgusting - no it smelt like pine and cologne. I smile and turn around again to face the guy standing beside me. "I'm Anastasia Steele." 

"Christian Grey." I felt safe around him. I know I shouldn't of told him my name but my drunk mind told me that it would be a good idea. "What are you doing here tonight?" 

"I'm here with some friends for a meet up. It's been a long time since I've seen them since I'm always busy at university. And you?" 

"I'm here with my brother Elliot." He gestures to the dance floor. I notice that he's dancing with Kate. 

"He looks nothing like you." He chuckles and looks down at the ground. "You mentioned that you go to university. What do you major in?" 

"Graphics design. I don't know what sort of job I want to do but I know that this is the right choice for me. What about you? What do you study?" 

"I don't study. I own the company 'Grey Enterprises'." 

"I think I've heard about it. I'm a little drunk to remember." He laughs and I notice he has deep dimples. We look each other in the eyes and smile. "Do you live around here?" 

"I live in the heart of Seattle and a few other places." 

"Yeah, you must own several different places since you're probably rich. I live on the edge of Seattle but next month I'm moving to the heart of Seattle because of work." He nods and looks at the view of the city. "Oh..." I pull a pen out of my purse. "Here's my number. That's in case if you do want to message me or if you have the time to. You must have many different women climbing over you." I giggle to myself and grab his hand.

"You're wrong." 

"Excuse me?" 

"No, Ana. I don't have women climbing all over me." He smirks and shakes his head. I smile and write my number on his hand. 

"I'm sorry that it's not very efficient but here you go. Feel free to call me." I wink but instantly regret it. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry I-" 

"It's okay." We both laugh. 

"Hey, Ana. What are you doing out here?" Jose appears behind Christian and my smile instantly fades. Why did he have to appear now?

"Is he your boyfriend?" Christian asks. 

"B-boyfriend?! No! Of course not." I shake my head and laugh. 

"Ana. Stop. What are you doing with this guy? You don't even know him." Jose frowns. 

"It's okay Jose. He gave me his jacket and we've been talking for a while." I smile and pull the jacket tighter around my shoulders. Christian places a hand around my hips and goosebumps instantly rise on my skin. I bite my lip and look up at him but he's too busy glaring at Jose. 

"Let me take you home." Christian asks, still looking at Jose. I nod and begin to move but Jose stops me. 

"I wouldn't go with him if I were you. You never know what this guy can do to you." I roll my eyes and push him out of the way.

"Jose, move out the way. I'll be fine." I shake my head. "I'll message you when I get home." My cheeks blush out of embarrassment. "I'm sorry about him. He can be overprotective. It's weird." I walk over to Kate and explain to her that I'm getting a lift home with Christian. 

"That's okay." Kate laughs and hiccups before latching her arms around Elliot again. I wave at him and he says hi. "See you later, alligator." Christian and I say goodbye before exiting the club. 

Fifty Shades of Steele // Fifty Shades of Grey fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now