Chapter 34

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Resting one and on top of my stomach and the other gripping lightly onto a book, my eyes scan the words that Thomas Hardy wrote. 'On an evening in the latter part...' My thoughts get interrupted but loud banging outside of the front door. Hesitantly, I slide the bookmark into the first page of 'Tess of the d'Urbervilles' and push myself off of the couch. "Hello?" I call out. The doorknob rattles violently, startling me. "Who's there?" My voice breaks slightly. No response. The only sound heard in the apartment is the doorknob rattling and my heavy breathing. "The one night Christian is away and I have to get murdered." I mumble as I place a shaky hand on the doorknob. I turn the lock and open it to see... 


A very drunk Christian. 

"Christian?!" I exclaim. He looks up at me with a sheepish grin before standing up. "What is wrong with you? You scared me. And you reek of... of alcohol." 

"You said I could go to the bar." 

"Yeah but I didn't mean that you get completely wasted. How did you get home? Why didn't you just stay at a friends house?" I shoot out question as I carefully lead my drunk fiance back to our bedroom. 

"I don't think about a lot after several shots and pints." He lazily drags his legs up the stairs, making me groan. 

"Christian! I'm struggling to carry both you and Olly, so can you just use a little bit of strength and help yourself up the stairs?" I frown, grabbing his right arm. He hums a response and pushes himself up slowly. "Come on, we're almost there." I guide him to the bedroom and I can feel his eyes on me, making me slow down slightly. 

"Hey, don't touch me. I have a wife." He moves his arm away from my grip and I attempt to repress a laugh. At least he knows his boundaries. 

"You're so drunk it's unbelievable." 

"Have I ever introduced you to my wife?" 

"I'm sure she's a nice woman." I let out a snort and look away as I help him up the last step. 

"Oh, damn right she is. She's really funny and I'm pretty sure she's just finished university." We get to our room eventually, a panting Christian beside me. I open the door and walk the drunk 'toddler' to the bed and lay him down before turning on the lamp beside his side of the bed. I remove his greyish-brown sweater and his jeans, leaving him in just his boxers. I look back up and he's breathing heavily with his eyes closed. Letting out a defeated sigh, I pull down the covers and crawl in beside him after turning off the lamp beside him. Yawning, I stare at the small white crib beside me. I stare at the mobile and think about Oliver laying in the crib very, very soon.

 I stare at the mobile and think about Oliver laying in the crib very, very soon

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"Morning wife." Christian coos in my ear as he brushes a strand of hair out from my face. Smiling, I turn onto my stomach and open my eyes. He's sat on the edge of the bed with a tired smile as he strokes my bare thigh. 

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