Chapter 25

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New Years sucked. I was alone because I broke up with Christian and the only thing I've done for the past month is cry and cook and cry again and then talk to my stomach which means I'm basically talking to myself. For the past thirty days, I've gotten messages and calls from Christian's family and Kate. 


Cutting the minced beef into eighths, I scrape it into the frying pan with the onions and carrots. My phone buzzes and this time it's Mia calling. I stare at the screen, looking at her smiling face that I sat as her contact picture. "Don't answer." I whisper to myself, but I feel too guilty. I grab the wooden spatula and mix the food together so it doesn't burn. She continues to ring and then it goes to voicemail. For the first time in a while, I decide to listen to my voicemails. I place my phone on the windowsill and cook at the same time. 

"Hey, Ana. You didn't turn up to the New Year's party with Christian. Usually he doesn't go anywhere with you. Call me back." That was from Kate. I sigh and press the 'delete' button. Next. 

"Hey. You still haven't called back. I've tried calling Christian but he hasn't picked up either. Hope everything at home is okay. Call me back." 

"Hey, Ana. It's Kate. I don't know if you've gotten a new phone or something. I should pop by at some point to see how you're doing. Call me back on this number. Bye." 

"Ana! It's Mia here. Kate said you haven't picked up the phone at all and you haven't called. We're really worried about you. Please call one of us. Love you." I feel a pang of guilt at the sound of Mia's voice. Many voicemails go by and then I reach a particular one that gets my attention. 

"Uh... Ana... I haven't heard your voice in a while. Christian eventually told us that you two broke up. I hope it wasn't from anything to serious. Oh, it's Elliot by the way. Call us." No voicemails from Christian. My phone rings again like usual and it's Mia. I decide to pick up. 



"Oh, my God." She gasps into the phone. "I haven't heard your voice in forever." I purse my lips and nod, shaking some spices into my chilli. 

"I know." I whisper, terrified if I would start to cry. 

"What happened to you and Christian? You two were basically obsessed with each other." Her voice sounds so disappointed. I sniffle slightly, hoping that she wouldn't hear me whilst I look down at my now growing stomach. 

"I uh..." I begin, tapping my foot on the floor and turning off the oven. I lean against the counter and sigh. "Can you come over? I'd rather tell you in person." 

"Of course." 

There's a knock on the door and right away, I know it's Mia. I open the door and smile. "Oh, Ana." She sighs, hugging me. I close the door as I watch her make her way over to the couch. "It's really nice to see you. You haven't returned anyone's calls." 

"I know, I know." I slowly make her way over to her whilst I think of ways to tell her about the baby. "So, can you tell me about what happened with you and my brother?" She frowns. I nod and stand in front of her. 

"I don't know how to tell you." 

"What do you mean?" I bite my bottom lip lightly and reveal my stomach. Her mouth drops and she stands up. "You're pregnant? How long?" 

"Four months." 

"Oh my... so this is why you two broke up?" 

"Yeah. We got home and he seemed a bit, I don't know, off? I asked him about it and he sort of just... snapped. He said he didn't want 'the thing' and it just sort of went from there. He's never really wanted kids but I don't know why and I doubt I will since he never opens up to me about anything. Spaghetti?" 

"Sure." I spoon some spaghetti onto another plate and hand it to her. We both dig into our foods in silence before she speaks up. "Did he ever tell you about his past life?" She asks, setting her plate down in front of her. I copy her actions and shake my head. "Christian used to have another mother. Ella. She was a prostitute and coincidentally, she was addicted to drugs and frequently Christian away. His mother was dating this abusive guy and he would beat him all the time. This is where it gets worse for him though." 

"It gets worse?" 

"Just listen, one day, Christian's mom dies of an overdose. The police came four days later. He was only four then and he didn't realise his mom was dead and he kept speaking to her and helping her but she wouldn't wake up. He ended up in foster care and then it went from there. Elliot was adopted, then Christian, and then me. That's why he's so distant when it comes to children. He's worried if anything happens to them." I shake my head and wipe my tears from my face.

"He's had such a hard life and then I just leave him there in the dirt." 

"It's not your fault, Ana. You did what was best. Not everything can go his way. Just remember that we are all here for you and we still love you, even if Christian doesn't." 


"Sorry, the last bit came out wrong." We both laugh slightly and she hugs me. "So, do you know the gender yet?" 

"No, not yet. I have a scan some time this week. You should come along." 

"Let's bring the family too."

"Please, not Christian. I can't bare to see his face. You can just tell him yourself afterwards." She nods her head and sighs.

"Okay, if that's what you want." 

"How is he?" I ask out loud. I probably seem weak. She beams at me and crosses her legs. 

"I don't really know. He's pushed us all away. I guess he's so distraught. In my opinion, I think that he does want this kid but he's so scared of this whole thing." 

"He said he had plans- he wanted to marry me at some point." 

"Exactly. I think this was a big leap for him. And maybe this baby will make you two realise your differences and you'll work it out." She shrugs, standing up. 

"Thanks, Mia. The appointment is on Wednesday, by the way."

"Alright, I'll see you then." I nod and see her out. 

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