Chapter 13

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I stretched my arms above my head, my bare chest stretching upwards as well. Turning onto my left side, I expect to see Christian laying beside me, but he wasn't. Raising a brow, I pull of the covers and wander to the bathroom. I grab a towel under the bathroom sink and hang it up over the shower door. Twisting my bun, I pin it up so it's no longer in the way. I stepped into the shower, toes flinching as soon as they made contact with the chilled ceramic floor. I turned the dial, shining and polished, releasing thousands of lukewarm drops, darkening my medium-length hair and trickled down my back. Running my hands through my hair, I let the water fully soak into it. 

"Morning, Miss Steele." Christian says as I get downstairs. Two pieces of toast pop out of the toaster. "I made you some toast, obviously." I nod in response and pull my clean shirt down after having a shower. 

"Morning." Kissing his cheek, I slip into my usual seat and butter the toast Christian made for me. I pop a berry or two in my mouth and sip on the glass of orange juice on the table.  

"Sleep well?" He asks, clearly in a happy mood. 

"Actually," I chew a couple times and swallow down my food. "I did thanks." The radio is playing quietly, music playing through the speaker. Christian sat  in front of me, chin on his hand and staring at me. "Why such the happy mood?" I question. 

"No reason." I move my head backwards, making a face as I bite into the last piece of toast. 

"Whatever you say." Squinting, I push my chair away and place my plate in the second. "Are you ready to go?" 


"Okay, I need to brush my teeth. You can head downstairs and heat the car up. It's pretty freaking freezing out there." I kiss Christian on the cheek and he nods. 

"Don't be too long." I nod in reply and jog upstairs. 

I swipe the toothpaste onto my brush and jam it into my mouth, at the same time opening the tube to my red lipstick. I spit out and rinse my mouth - the usual. Patting my face with a white towel, the last touch was to apply the red lip and earrings and I'm done. 

"Hey, baby." I smile at Christian as I open the door to his car. 

"You took your time to brush your teeth, put some lipstick on and push in some earrings." He rolls his eyes and pulls down the brake stick. Seattle was silent, the snow falling always seemed to make the usually loud city go quiet. Adjusting my hat, I place one hand on the car door and the other on my lap. "Ana..." Christian croaks, sliding a hand onto my lap. 

"We are not about to have sex in the car, if that's what you're thinking." I scoff.

"No, I'm not asking for sex."

"Then... what? You've been acting abnormally happy all morning." 

"Have you put the contract into consideration." I choke on my saliva and turn my head to look at him, digesting what he had just said to me. It hit me like a brick in the stomach.  

"You're still thinking about that?" 

"We can't use the red room without your consent." He says, rubbing a thumb up and down my thigh. 

"I don't even know what half the stuff on there even means!" I exclaim, laughing. 

"I can go through it with you and we can discuss the things that you want to experience, what you don't understand, and what you don't want to do." 

Fifty Shades of Steele // Fifty Shades of Grey fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now