Chapter 35

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Third person P.O.V

With each contraction that pulsed through her came a pain that dominated Ana's stomach. Gripping onto the counter, she panted as she panicked. "He's not due for another four weeks. I don't know what's happening." She groans, clenching onto the counter so hard she almost broke a chunk off. Mia stood beside her with one hand on her back and the other holding her phone to her ear. 

"Yes, we need an ambulance. My sister-in-law is going into labour." She breathed into the phone, almost as freaked out as Anastasia is. "They'll be here in a few minutes." The pain in her abdomen prevented her from responding so she nodded instead. "I've called Christian and he said he'll meet us there." 

"God, I feel so guilty for interrupting his work." 

"It's not your fault. I'd better call my family and get them to meet us at the hospital." Just then, the pain became so excruciating that Ana lost consciousness, leaving Mia to panic even more. had Ana lost consciousness or worse?

Her eyes opened, a glaze shining over her blue orbs. Lights flash past her and the bed is moving. Looking round, Ana realises there are doctors beside her, gripping onto the railings attached to the bed. The doctors pull the bed into another room and lift her onto another bed. "Is she going to be okay?" A familiar voice asks across the room. Looking up slightly, she notices Christian getting pulled away by two nurses. "Is she going to be okay? " echos throughout her head like  an alarm. What does he mean? What's happening? She asks herself. 

The seconds and minutes stretched into infinity. She could hear screaming from other rooms, yet she made no sound at all. She faded in and out between consciousness and unconsciousness. When the pain passed it seemed to last for a minute or so. Well that's what she thought. Ana breathed with closed eyes. The room might as well have been empty from the lack of sound, and when the doctors did talk, touch, gain her attention she found it so hard to communicate back. To reply, she had to find her voice from the back of her own mind and push herself forward, to use her voice or at least open her eyes. 

Christian's P.O.V

I pace outside of the room, desperate to her some sort of noise. Not even a yelp or a gasp. It's practically silent apart from the orders from the doctor asking for... a scalpel? "She's unconscious again. Keep an eye on her heart rate on the monitor." My face blanches as soon as I hear his order. Why is she unconscious? Biting my lip, I sit down as I stare at a stain on the wall in front of me. Mia and my family rush over to me, calling my name. I don't want them though. i don't want anyone. Swallowing hard, I eventually bring myself to look at my family. 

"What's going on? I thought she wasn't due for four weeks?" My father asks. I stand up, running my hands through my hair with anxiety. 

"I-I don't know. Everything was going fine in the pregnancy. I just heard the doctor ordering for a scalpel." Mother frowns and I feel the urge to hug her. To hug anyone. I wrap my arms around her and sob into her hair, afraid. More afraid than I've ever been. 

"Mr Grey? Mr Grey." I hear my name. Opening my eyes slowly, I pull my head away from Mia's as we were asleep on each other. 

"What time is it?" 

"It's two in the morning."

"Has my son been born yet?" 

"I'm afraid not." 

"What do you mean?" I ask, standing up, Mia copying me. The doctor in front of me swallows hard as he grips onto the clipboard. 

"It's a difficult birth. It could be a life or death situation. She could live, however the baby can't or it can be the other way around." A deep pit forms in my stomach, numbing me completely like an anaesthetic drug. "There are complications that we weren't aware of." My breath hitches and I grab the chair arm and sit down with shaking knees. "I'm sorry, Mr Grey. We'll inform you if anything changes."

"Sorry isn't going to fucking change anything. I can loose either my son or my wife and I don't know which is worse." I sob, pointing a shaking hand at him. He shakes his head and apologises before walking away. 

"Wife?" I hear Elliot ask. 

"I proposed to her the other day, on the balcony together. She asked me to dance and God she looked so damn beautiful under the stars with my shirt on and her hair down with her face glowing under the dim light. I wanted to propose over dinner but I got to nervous." I laugh slightly, wiping my nose. "I knew right then and there that I wanted to marry her." Mother places a hand over mine like I would do to Ana. 

"She'll fight through this, Christian." 

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