Chapter 14

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I sat in the living room, in front of the fireplace with my nose buried in some moving and insurance documents and curled hair draped over my right cheek. I read it through countless times. I got so into it, that I hadn't realised that the front door of Christian's apartment had opened and that Christian had snuck up behind me and kissed me until it was too late. "Christian, oh my God!" I scolded at him, heart still beating quickly. 

"You know that I can't help it when you're distracted." He teased, sitting beside me, tucking his arm over my shoulder. "Since when did you get in?" 

I rolled your eyes sarcastically. "You know that I don't like jumpscares." I fake frowned, trying my absolute best to defend a smile that would mirror the one that was sat on his face. "I got in around two hours ago because I thought that you were home. Mrs Jones let me in." 

"I may as well give you a key." I let out a hum in reply as I begin to read the paperwork again. "You want anything to eat?" I stare down at the papers, completely zoned out before they get snatched out of my hands by Christian. "Ana." 


"I asked if you wanted something to eat?" I let out a defeated sigh and nodded. 

"You can make sweet popcorn and bring me a box of strawberries, please." I suggested, talking slowly as I thought about my good decisions.

"Want any champagne?" He smiled widely as I looked back up at him. 

"It's the middle of the day though." I question, looking up at the window. The sky was pretty much black. "Oh. Well, in that case, yes." He hopped off the couch and jogged to the kitchen. "I was wondering," I called out from the couch "is there anything specific you want for Christmas?" 

"Uh, a watch maybe? A book of the sort, I don't really know." 

"How about a new tie?" I laugh quietly, making my way over to him. 

"Ha, ha." He smirks. 

"No, but seriously, what do you want?" 

"Ask Mia." 

"Speaking of Mia, it's Elliot's birthday in tomorrow." 


"We need to get his gift." I push his shoulder slightly "and I need a dress for it." 

"We can go out tomorrow then." 

"Tomorrow is his birthday." 


"So that means we have to go today." I tilt my head, narrowing my eyes. He places the flat packet of popcorn onto the table and looks up at me. 

"Alright then." He lets out a defeated sigh and tosses the popcorn sachet back into the cupboard. 

"You can get the gift and I'll get the dress." 

"Sounds good to me." I slip on my nude pink shoes and walk to the elevator and Christian follows behind me, still dressed in his tidy grey suit. 

"You look nice today." I pat his chest, smiling up at him. 

"When do I not?" 

"There's the familiar cockiness I love." He chuckles and kisses my forehead, pressing the 'close' button. 

I look around the large store, dresses gleaming under the store lights. The store was colour coordinated, light pinks in one area, soft blues in the other, burgundy in the other corner. My eyes shine over as I look around. It's a hard decision. "Evening, Miss. How can I help?" A cheerful woman asks me. Tucking a strand of brown hair from her hair, she smiles at me, dimples revealing. 

"I'm looking for a ball gown. Something that's really out there, but also quite basic with no design." 

"Okay, is there a specific colour you're looking for?" I look around and my eyes catches on the familiar colour of red. 


"Follow me this way." She nods and walks in front of me, heels clicking against the polished marble floor. "Are you looking for a short or long dress?" 


"Large or thin to the waist?" I pause for a moment, deciding. 


"I think I have the perfect dress for you." She clasps her hands together and runs her hands through the rack, searching for the 'perfect dress'. She pulls off a hanger and reveals the dress. I do agree, it is the perfect dress. 

Fifty Shades of Steele // Fifty Shades of Grey fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now