Chapter 36

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Christian's P.O.V

I stare into Mia's eyes. Her light brown eyes aren't as bright and bubbly as usual, instead they're the colour of a numb and cold winter's day with no life left. I can tell how badly she wants to reassure me that Ana will be okay but at this point I don't know what to do. Do we keep the child that we've been desperate to meet? Or do I keep Ana alive so I can hold her when she sleeps. Swallowing, I slowly push the handle and open the door to her room. I take one last look at my family before walking inside. Closing the door, she stirs and her eyes open slowly. Just looking at her eyes makes my heart beat again. Her eyes have always held that one last bit of hope. Smiling lightly, I inhale and walk over to her, desperate to touch her hand again. "Hello." Doctors around her are working hard, desperate to get everything under control. 

"Christian." Her voice is quiet. 

"There..." I start. Starting the sentence pulls on my heartstrings and looking into her innocent eyes makes it worse for me to tell her. She's so full of hope that Oliver- our Oliver will be okay. "There have been a few complications in the pregnancy." Her mouth opens but closes it again. We sit in silence for a second as I gather the courage to tell her the rest of the sentence. 

"I-I don't get it though. Everything was going perfectly. I didn't have any problems, not until now." She frowns, sitting up more. A knock comes from the door and a doctor walks in the room with a clipboard. 

"Anastasia Steele. Christian Grey. It's nice to see you awake, Miss Steele."

"What's going on?" 

"There has been a problem in the pregnancy. A problem that we haven't been aware of until now." 

"What does that mean? Is our baby going to be okay?" Her eyebrows crease and thin lines form on her forehead. Unlike many people, she doesn't frown a lot. That's probably why the creases in her forehead aren't as dense as others when they frown. I look at her face. Pale, confused. But even though she's exhausted, her bright blue eyes still manage to shine like usual. Her hair is in a ponytail with strands sticking out at the top of her head. Her lips still remain coloured, just not as vibrant. Instead, they are a soft peach colour. I turn my attention back to the doctor who's been talking this whole time. 

"It's a life or death situation. I'm sorry Mr Grey and Miss Steele, but you could loose your son or the mother." Hearing the sentence hurts me just as much as it hurt the first time I was told about this. Her face pales even more and tears form in her eyes as she shakes her head. 

"I- I don't understand." She repeats, shaking her head like a bad dream. I exhale lightly, sitting down on the seat next to the bed and placing a hand on her thigh. "What are we going to do?" Ana turns to look at me. Her face softens as if she's realised something. "Christian, we can't get rid of Olly." 

"Are you out of your mind? I can't loose you. I'll pay them all my money so both of you are alive." I panic, standing up. 

"I know it's hard, I know, baby." She pauses and then looks up at the doctor "Can you just give us a minute?" 

"Of course. Take as long as you need." He nods and walks out of the room. We watch him leave and the second the door shuts, I turn back to face Ana. 

"Ana, it's not just going to be 'hard'. Every time I'll look into his eyes, all I'll be able to think about his mother. You." 

"I know, but you have to listen to me. We can't just loose a life of a baby. I've lived for two decades now. I've lived my life, whereas he hasn't." I shake my head and run my hands through my hair. 

"I'm sorry, Anastasia, but I can't loose the love of my fucking life." 


Fifty Shades of Steele // Fifty Shades of Grey fanfictionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora