Chapter 19

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Like usual, Christian had work to attend to, so I asked him to drop me to my apartment so I can spend the day packing. Again.

With ankles crossed, I watch Christian slip into the driver's seat, starting the engine with the push of a button. His tight navy blue suit hugged him in all the right areas, making his arms and shoulders bulge. Licking my lips, I admire the view in front of me. I want to touch him and run my fingers through his freshly washed hair. Rubbing my hands against my thighs quickly, I then force them into submission so I don't feel tempted to touch him right then and there. 

"Here we are, Ana." He eventually pulls up in front of my apartment without getting lost. It was as if he had planned this journey months ahead. I thank him and kiss his cheek. "I'll pick you up at seven."

"Why so late?" 

"I have a meeting I need to attend to." He smiles slightly. I squint and look into his eyes to check if he was lying. 

"Okay. I'll bring a few things so I can start the moving process early." I unbuckle my seatbelt and open the door and close it without saying goodbye. Something felt off about him today. Rubbing my hands against the cold, I walk to the entrance door and open it, making my way upstairs to my apartment. I slide the key into my door and shove it open, a cold breeze hitting me as nobody had been home to turn on the heating in a while. Shivering, I turn on the light and look around the living room area. It was practically empty. Just boxes sat in the corners, stacked on top of one another. My phone buzzes in my pocket, so I pull it out and realise Christian is calling me. Sighing, I walk up the stairs with an empty box and balance my phone between my ear and shoulder before answering. "Hey, babe." I smile, placing the box down as soon as I got to my room. "So, I had an idea. You can come over and help me carry a few things downstairs and then I can cook us dinner and we can have a movie night. How does that sound?" I ask. 

"It sounds nice b-"

"You have to help me carry some boxes to the car I'm like a nine month pregnant woman who's incapable of doing anything but instead of nine months pregnant I'm perminantly pregnant." I laugh, folding some clothes and placing them into the empty box on my bed. He doesn't laugh which makes me scoff in response. "Christian, I was joking. It's a joke. Jesus fuck." I roll my eyes at his seriousness. 

"Look, Ana, I'm really sorry but I'm gonna be late home tonight. The meeting is longer than I thought it would be." 

"You said you would finish at eight, how long can that damn meeting be?" I ask, sitting down beside the box and staring at the floor.

"It's really important though. I'll see you back at home at nine."

"Yeah, okay." I huff, about to hang up.

"Ana, don't you huff at me. I want to spend the evening with you but I've been so busy. It's right after Christmas. What can you expect?" He asks, this time he laughs but I don't. I sigh in response and nod even though he can't see me. "I'll see you at home." He hangs up before I get to say bye. Whatever. It's not like I was going to say bye anyways. Locking my phone, I change into some jeans and call a taxi to take me to Christian's place as he couldn't take me there himself. 

"1920 4th Avenue." I hiss as soon as I get into the cab, slamming the door violently behind me. My phone buzzes in my pocket and Kate's face illuminates the screen. I swipe to the right and bring my phone to my right ear. "Hi." I simply say. 

"Okay, what's wrong?" 

"How'd you know that I'm upset?" 

"When do I not know." She chuckles through the phone, making me smile. 

"What's up?" 

"I was just wondering what you're doing tonight." 

"Well, at the moment I'm in a fucking taxi-" 

"Language ma'am." The driver says, looking at the mirror to look at me. 

"Sorry, freaking taxi because I'm on my way to Christian's place." 

"Doesn't he usually pick you up though?" 

"Not tonight. He's got a meeting until nine." 

"How long can that meeting be?" 

"That's what I said! But, he said it was important. Something seemed a bit... a bit off about it. I'm not going to jump to conclusions though." I roll my eyes, looking out of the window. 

"I wouldn't worry about it. If you want, I can come over and I can bring takeaway?" 

"That does sound good, but Christian will kill you and me if you come over. You know how possessive he is over me." 

"Please? I won't stay over too long." I pause for a minute and think. "Please? I just want a small break from Elliot and whilst I'm still in town, I may as well visit while I can." 

"Okay, you got me there. Be here in ten. I'll send the address." 

"Chinese or pizza?" 


"Nice. Okay, see you later." We hang up and I look out of the window, a smile plastered on my face. 

Fifty Shades of Steele // Fifty Shades of Grey fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now