Chapter 37

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I read the magazine sat in my hands, catching up on some drama that's occurred recently. Christian was asleep in the seat beside my bed. The sky is dark and the air is warm both inside and outside of the building. A familiar sound of babbling and noises come from the end of the bed. Smiling, I place the magazine down, pull the covers away from my lap and tiptoe over to Olly so I don't wake Christian up. "Hello, darling." I coo, leaning over the crib to look at him. He smiles, revealing his light pink gums. "You look exactly like your father." I sigh "Can't sleep, huh?" I ask, picking him up. Leaning him against my shoulder, I begin to bounce lightly as I walk around the room in order to get him to fall asleep. His hands rub against my pyjama shirt, feeling the fabric in his tiny hands. 

"What are you doing?" I hear a deep voice come from the other side of the room. Turning on my heel, Christian is sat up with an eyebrow raised. 

"Oliver and I couldn't sleep so I thought I should try to get him to sleep." 

"Have you fed him?" He asks. Looking down at Olly, I shake my head and make my way over to the bed. I pull back the sheets and climb in and lift up my shirt like usual. "How long have I been asleep?" 

"Uh, maybe two hours or so?" I shrug, stroking Oliver's small head, running a hand over his soft brown hair that he takes from his dad. "How are you feeling about the whole 'being a father' thing?" I ask, looking up at a tired Christian. 

"It's strange, but I'm enjoying myself." 

"That's because you haven't fed him or changed him yet." I chuckle, rolling my eyes "We should probably introduce our families to our son, you know." 

"I don't know. What if something happens to him? Your brother could accidentally snap his arm, or Mia could sit on him if she isn't paying attention." Smiling, I place a hand over his and shake my head. 

"He'll be okay. Camilla has her own family, she has her own kids and I'm sure Mia and Mason will know how to handle a baby." He lets out a defeated sigh "We'll introduce them to him slowly Perhaps we'll wait a little bit until they hold him if you are really bugged about it." He nods in response and leans over my shoulder. Pulling Oliver away from my chest, his eyes are still wide open. "Oh, fantastic. He's nowhere near falling asleep." Standing up, I rested the baby over my shoulder and softly pat his back, bouncing him up and down again to get him to burp and sleep. 

"Here, let me take him." Christian stands up and walks over to me. I'm too tired to protest so I nod sleepily and hand him over before sliding back into bed, the plain white sheets embracing me in its warm hug. Yawning, I turn onto my side and watch my fiance and his son babble together. Smiling lazily, I gaze as long as I can before my lids flutter closed. 

"Good morning, Miss Steele and Mr Grey. You have some visitors." A nurse say to us as she opens the door. Sitting up, I cock a brow and exchange looks with Christian. Our families walk in with balloons, flowers, gifts and cards in their hands. 

"Oh, hello." I mumble, still tired from barely sleeping. 

"Hello, darlings." Grace grins. She walks over to us and plants kisses on our cheeks. We all greet each other and our families hand us the gifts and their good luck wishes before taking a seat on the couches in the room. 

"So, can we look at him?" Jose asks. Christian's Adams apple bobs slightly before turning to look at me. 

"Uh, yes. Just give me a minute." I pull the sheets off of me and lean over the crib to get our son out. His eyebrows crease before his eyes open. "He hasn't been fed yet as he's only just woken up, like me." I hand him to my mother first. I climb back into bed and watch every move in case if someone hurts him. He gets handed around out families like a pass-the-parcel. He finally gets to Jose who takes him quickly from Mia. 

"Careful." Christian hisses. I can't help but chuckle and slide my hand into his. 

"So how are you holding up with the whole parenting thing?" Camilla asks. 

"It's a bit stressful actually. It's a tiring process but we don't regret it, right?" I ask Christian. 

"Well..." I scoff and nudge his side, making him laugh "She is right though, we don't regret it."

"Are you going to reveal him to the public any time soon?" My mother asks this time. 

"Actually, the public didn't even know that I was pregnant. I don't think they know about-" I begin before remembering about Christian proposing to me. 

"Don't know about what?" Elliot and Kate ask at the same time. I briefly make eye contact with Christian and Mia before looking at our families with a broad smile. I sit up fully and push my hand out for everyone to see the ring sat proudly on my finger. 

"Christian proposed to me." 

"WHAT?!" Almost everyone asks with different reactions, mostly happy. Mostly. Only Jose doesn't seem happy. 

"I'm so happy for you, baby." My Mom grins at me before hugging me tightly. My family hugs me and so does Christian's family. 

"Congratulations." Elliot says into my ear. However, we get interrupted by the cries of Oliver.

"He must be hungry." I sigh, walking over to Jose. Carefully picking him up from his hold, I rest Olly in my arms and sit on the edge of the bed. 

"We'd better leave you to it." Carrick smiles, standing up. 

"Yeah, he's right." 

"Okay, see you lot later." Christian and I smile as everyone leaves, leaving the three of us alone again. 

Fifty Shades of Steele // Fifty Shades of Grey fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now