Part 3 ♥

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Greyson: Beautiful name! 

You: Thank you. So, may I ask now?

Greyson: You're now asking me. *laughs*

You: *laughs* So..

Greyson: Wait, I wanna know more about you.

You: Well, ask me. *smiled*

Greyson: Okay sure.

You: Wait! You don't have any schedules, appointments or shows today? *a little worried*

Greyson: None. I told them I can't 'cause I have to find you. 

You: Really? Ohh, sorry for that.

Greyson: No need to say sorry and there's no reason to say sorry. I wanted to relax too. *laughs*

You: Ohh, that's good. *smiled*

Greyson: So, where are we? Oh yes.. question? *smiled*

You stared at him as he think about his question. Greyson is so kind, sweet and everything! You're like in heaven. He talk very nice on you even though you’re just a fan. You felt really really special. 

Greyson: What's your address? I wanna visit your house. *laughs*

You: *laughs* You serious Grey? 

Greyson: I can't think of a question! I think I'm.. kinda.. distracted? *laughs*

You: (Distracted?) *shocked*

You looked to your surrounding for the first time. Everything looks very expensive. And all the people eating there are rich people. That gave you an idea a reason why Grey's distracted.

You: So, how's your stay here? *smiled*

Greyson: It's great. I love Philippines!

You: Even though it's so hot? *laughs*

Greyson: I can fight it as long as my fans are happy *smiled*

You: Awww, that's so sweet of you! *blush*

Then the waiter gets the finished dish and replaced it with a fruit shake.

Greyson: Thank you. *smiled*

Waiter: My pleasure Mr. Chance.

You sip on your mango shake. 

Greyson: Are you happy I'm here?

You: *laughs* Is that a question? Of course I am! Very happy. I think this is one of the best part of my life right now. When you saw me at the parking lot, I was actually crying 'cause I can't come to your concert. I have lost hope. 

Greyson looked very interested. And so you continued.

You: I started to be your fan since (the date you started to be a Greysonator). I keep posters of you, buy your albums, watch you on Youtube, wait for your commercials and music videos on tv, know everything about you like facts, write your name on lots of paper even on my hands, dream and think about you at night, talk about you every time, always wish you were here with me, tell people how much I love you and I spread GreyGreyGerms.

Greyson: *laughs* GreyGreyGerms! That's so sweet of you! Wow, you think about me at night?

You: Yes, everyday. *smiled*

Greyson: I was thinking about you last night. *smiled*

Your heart skipped a bit! Greyson, think about you last night? 

You: Me? *surprised*

Greyson: Yes, you. *smiled*

You: But why?

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