Part 33 ♥

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The next days are a busy day. Composing songs, interviews, shows.... but you and Grey always bond like eating in a restaurant or watching movies. 

There's this one time when you were sleeping and he took a picture of you and made as his cellphone wallpaper and your face there was really funny and he can't stop laughing. Haha!

There's this one time when you, Greyson, Cody and Alli went in a horror house and Greyson was afraid of the dark and he keeps on hugging you. Everyone was laughing because of his reaction, and you keep on blushing. Haha!

There's this one time when Greyson spilled a hot choco on Cody and Cody screamed very very funny and that's his most embarrassing moment in the Philippines. Haha!

There's this one time when you and are trying to disguise in the mall but suddenly, an Enchancer saw his bullet necklace and recognized him. Fail! Haha!

Even you guys are busy, you still try to have time with each other.

In a cloudy day, 7:30 PM near your house...

Greyson: *swinging your swing* 

You: *texting your friends while feeling cold*

Greyson: I wanna be holding your hand in the sand by the tire swing...

You: *stop texting and blush*

Greyson: Where we used to be...

You: Greyson,

Greyson: *looked at you*

You: You and me.. *blushed*

Greyson: *hugged you* I know you're feeling cold right now. *smiles*

Yes, you really are. 

You: Can you continue your song? *smiles and blushes*

Greyson: *still hugging you* I'd travel a thousand miles just so I can see your smile. Feel so far away when you cry, 'cause home is in your eyes.

You: *blushes* Awww! Thank you Grey! *smiles* 

Greyson: I love you!

You: I love you too!

Greyson: *kisses your cheeks*

That night, Cody, Alli, Grey's family and your parents are in your house. They're having a dinner. You and Grey decided to go in the park for fresh air and to talk privately too. 

Let's skip through the next days.... Family reunion day!

You're excited to see your relatives again. And you're more excited to introduce Grey to them. By the way, by that time, Cody and Alli already left the country to have reunions too with their family and gonna spend New Year with them. 

It was 10 AM when Grey called you. 

Phone: *ring*

Greyson: Good Morning Sweetie!

You: Good Morning Grey! Ready to see my family? 

Greyson: Yes, I am super excited to see them! But I'm a bit nervous. *laughs*

You: They won't bite you! *laughs* Just kitten.

Greyson: *laughs*

You: See you in 2 hours! Bye, Love you! Gotta go!

Greyson: Love you too! Be safe!

12 PM, lunchtime, when you arrived in Grey's hotel. You hugged everyone. You ate lunch and drive going to your province. 

It was a long travel. You sit beside Greyson and Alexa. Greyson keeps on staring the window view while your head is in his shoulders while Alexa's listening to OPM songs. 

Almost 4 PM when you arrived there. Everyone's waiting for you and Grey's family! It's like you and Greyson are already married in a young age! You, Greyson and your families were the center of attraction. 

They let Greyson taste Durian again, but you know what happened? Hahahaha! Nevermind! 

It was already 9 PM and everyone's still enjoying. Your relatives and Grey's family's so hilarious 'cause they keep on planning about you and Grey's wedding or planning for you and Grey's babies but it was just for fun. 

Greyson even sang in the karaoke. Your girl cousins always freak out specially when they're beside Greyson. 

"Can I marry him? Hahahaha!" "OMG You already!" "I'm totally melting here!! I love your boyfriend! Hahahah!"

Some of your relatives are Enchancers and they keep on talking with Greyson about lots of stuffs. You even took a picture with everyone! I think that's the happiest family reunion as of now. It was tiring but everything's worth it. Greyson learned a lot of things about Philippines. He ate lots of Filipino foods, learn your other languages, and a lot more! 

He's very happy and you can see that in his eyes. He even bond to your cute little cousins that made him remember about the cute little Chinese girl who calls him 'Daddy' and calls you 'Mommy'.

Everything's memorable. You slept there. You and Grey slept together with your cousins. Actually, you didn't let the parents know that you're watching on a late time 'cause they'll get mad. It's a horror movie, again. You ate chips. 

You slept 3 AM and it was very very tiring! 

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