Part 4 ♥

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His bullet necklace!

Greyson: Don't worry, that's not the one I'm biting. Hahahah! It's my 2nd necklace and I just thought of giving to you. *smiles*

You: *tears of joy* 

Grey put the necklace on you. Then Grey hugged you tightly. You're like his girlfriend but not of course. 

Greyson: You're special to me.*smiles*

You were so speechless and just said "Thank you." with a smile and left. Greyson was so happy! He went back in his room.

Alexa: Hey! 

Greyson: Yeah?

Alexa: How was your day with (YN)?

Greyson: I had fun! I love talking with my fans. 

Alexa: That's good! And by the way, Cody wanted to talk with you in Skype. He called me a while ago. 

Grey went to his bed room and closed the door and locked it. He opened his laptop and log in his Skype. 

Greyson: Coco!! 

Cody: Babface!!

They both laughed.

Cody: How's your concerts?

Greyson: I'm so happy! I love seeing my fans here in Asia. And I love the food! You must come here too! 

Cody: I'm on diet! *laughs*

Then someone knocked on the door.

Greyson: Hold on a second.

Cody: Sure.

Alexa: Greyson!

Greyson: What?

Alexa: Open the door!

Greyson: Wait!

You opened the door and saw Alexa holding a paper.

Alexa: This is yours, right?

Greyson: Ohmy, that's mine! (YN) gave that to me. 

Alexa: Yeah, it fell a while ago. *smiled*

Greyson: Thanks Alexa. *smiled* Good thing you didn't throw it.

You went back and talked to Cody again.

Greyson: Where are we? Oh yeah diet! Why are you in diet anyway? 

Cody: I don't know either! *laughs* So anyway... anything interesting happened?

Greyson: Yes.

Cody? Really? What!? *shocked*

Greyson: *laughs* Well, there's this girl.. I met her in the parking lot..

Cody: Parking lot?

Greyson: Shhh!

Cody: *laughs* okay go on.

Greyson: She was crying before my concert. I hugged her so that she'll stop crying. And she smiled at me.

Cody: You like her??

Greyson: Wait.. shhh!

Greyson: Then when she left, she left her jacket. Then the next day, I had an interview and I told them about the jacket. Then a while ago. The girl went here. I was happy to see her.

Cody: Ohh so you like her?

Greyson... Shh! I'm not yet done. *laughs* 

Greyson: We talked and I'm so confused. I don't know if I like her or what!

Cody: Ohmy, I think you like her!! I'm right! *laughs*

Greyson: But.. if I do like her... It'll be impossible.. very impossible.

Cody: Why so?

Greyson: You see.. we're so far away. And she might have a boyfriend.

Cody: *laughs* You didn't asked?

Greyson: All I know is I'm married to her.

Cody: You're so funny babyface!

Greyson: I'm married to my fans right? *laughs*

Then Grey looked at the paper. Grey remembered, you have a Skype!

Greyson: Wait.. she gave me this paper *showed Cody the paper you gave in the webcam*

Cody: I can't read it. What's written there?

Greyson: It's her Twitter username, Skype name and everything!

Cody: Wow! She so ready! Then add her! She might be online.

Greyson: I hope so.. she's with her friends right now.

Cody: Then, wait for her later..

Greyson add you in Skype. You're the first fan he added there. 

Cody: Soo.. is she online?

Greyson: No, *made a sad face* my wife is not online. 

Cody: Wait Grey! Alli's calling me... be right back!

Greyson: Sure! I'll call you again later. Just chat me.

Greyson think about if he like you or what. 

Greyson: Do I? I'm sooo confused! 

Alexa called you for dinner. You chatted Cody and told him that you'll be right back too.

Greyson: Alexa, how will you know if you like someone?

Alexa: Well.. 

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