Part 28 ♥

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It's 9:30 AM when you woke up. The sun's shining and the weather's fine. You took a bath then dressed up then went to the breakfast table downstairs. You saw the Chinese prodigy girl having her breakfast. 

You: Hi *smiles*

Girl: Hello.

She looks shy. 

You: May I sit beside you?

Girl: Sure. *smiles*

Her voice's cute and soft. She has a little weird accent too. As you take your sit, she looked at you. It seems like she wanted to ask something. You took one egg and a half rice. 

Girl: Umm.. did you know, I'm an Enchancer. 

You're surprised on what she said. 

You: I'm happy to hear that!

Girl: I'm a total fan girl *giggles*

You: OMG, fangirling? I'm on it!

Now she looked confident. She's not that shy anymore. 

Girl: You know, when I heard about you and Greyson.. I almost die because of envy. *laughs* 

You: *laughs* When I lost hope about meeting Grey, I almost die too because of envy.

Girl: But when I met her girlfriend, which is sitting next to me, I'm like in heaven.

She's very nice. You never thought she'll be like that 'cause your first impression to her is a shy person. 

You: Wow! *laughs* Thanks! 

Girl: Ummm, can you be my best friend? Please?

She asked that like it's her first time to have a friend like me. 

You: Sure! I would love to!

She hugged you and had tears of joy. 

Girl: It's my first time to have a best friend.

You were shocked. How come a nice little girl like her would never have a best friend?

Girl: I'm home schooled. I went outside rarely. I always stay in my home, usually in my room. My cat and my maids are my only friends. 

So she belongs to a rich family. Wow. She's the first ever person you've met which is like that. Now you know the reason why you're her first ever best friend. Then something popped up in your mind. 

You: After our piano lesson today, wanna go outside?

She looked agog. She's not with her mother nor with her father. She went to Paris from China all by herself. With the help of Mr. (random surname).

Girl: Sure!! 

You acted like a big sister to her. She's only 8 years old and you can see she's an independent one. 

You: But I'll ask permission first, okay?

Girl: Okay!

Both of you finished your breakfast. She holds your hand as both of you walked going to the piano room. As you opened the door and entered the room, everyone's already practicing. 

Girl and You: Good Morning Mr. (random surname)!

Mr.: Good Morning! *smiles*

Both of you started practicing. You glanced on the guy you can't stop looking. He smiled and you were like "OMG". You looked at the keys again and started to practice. You can hear how the way he play. He's so amazing! You stopped and listened to others. 

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