Part 24 ♥

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"One of the audience from the piano event in LA is a theater owner from Paris! He's there to choose one pianist from the event and he told us that it was your daughter! He's inviting you and your daughter to come with us in a piano event in Paris. We don't have the exact date yet, maybe December. I'll just e-mail you as soon as possible. We're hoping for your reply. Thanks!"

You: OMG! Mom!!

Grey: What happened?

You: Wait, I'll just call my mom.

Grey: Sure.

Your mom went to your room and looked at her e-mail. You're totally blissful. You jumped and scream.

You: OMG Grey!! I'm going to Paris!!

Grey: Really? When!?

He looked very excited for you. He went to Paris last December 2010 and he loved it. He actually wanted to go back there! 

You: No sure dates yet. But he told me maybe December. OMG OMG OMG!

Grey: December?

December? Oh no! Grey's next concert is in December!

You: Don't worry, it's not yet sure.

Grey: I hope not.

You: *looked at your mom* Mom, may I have?

Mom: Sure! *hands a big bar of chocolate*

Grey: Wow! May I have too?

You: *make Grey jelly*

Grey: *gets Nutella*

You: I want that!! 

Grey: You have to go here first.

Then your mom interrupt when she finished reading the e-mail.

Mom: OMG (YN)! I'm so proud of you!! *hugs you* Paris... City of Love ♥ 

You: I hope the December thing is not yet final.

Grey: I hope too. 

You just forget about the December thingy. Your mom is so happy that she just keep on smiling. Going to Paris is one of her dreams, as well as you. 

It's already 10 PM. And 9 AM there. You're eating chocolates while Grey's eating Nutella as his breakfast. 

Grey: I'm so proud for my girlfriend.

You: Awww, I'm more proud for you.

Then Alexa came with Oreo.

Alexa: Say Hi (YN)! *gets Oreo's paws and wave*

Grey: Hey we're talking.

You: Hiii Oreo! 

Oreo: Meow!

Tanner: Hey! That's my wife! Come here Oreo.

All: *laughs*

Tanner: Hi (YN)! How are you?

You: Good! What about you?

Tanner: Same!

Grey: Hey we're talking.

Alexa: Look, I got new bracelets again! *shows bracelets*

You: Pretty! I'm wearing the bracelet you gave me! *shows bracelet*

Grey: Heeeey guys! Me and (YN)'s talking.

Tanner: Shhh Grey! We're talking too.

Grey: -__-

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