Part 20 ♥

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Awww, Alli and Cody. They're gonna miss you. They were so nice when they first met you and when Greyson introduced you to them in Skype. They had cakes and gifts.

Alli: I'm gonna miss you best friend. *tears fell down* *hug*

You: Don't cry, *tears fell down* I'm gonna miss you too.

Alli: Come back again, okay??

You: Of course! I'll try my best to visit you again. Maybe on December.

Cody: Next month?

You: *laughs* I don't know. You're gonna come with Grey in Asia right? 

Cody: Oh yeah! Alli should come with me too. And we'll meet again! 

All: YAY! (like kids XD)

It's 3 PM and you have to go to the airport. Grey, Alli and Cody went with you. 

In the airport...

You waited for the flight and sat on a small coffee shop. 

Greyson: What time is your flight?

You: 4:30 PM.

He looked sad then suddenly..

Greyson: *whisper* Favor please?

You: *whisper* What?

Greyson: *whisper* Can you translate this?

Grey showed you a paper. You translated it in Tagalog. It's funny. 

Greyson: Hey Cody! Wanna learn Tagalog?

Cody: Of course! 

Greyson: Here *showed the paper*

Cody: I'll read it?

Greyson: Yeah.

Cody: What does this mean?

Greyson: Just read it.

Cody: *clears throat* Here it goes...

You and Greyson laughed a little. Good thing Cody and Alli didn't noticed.

Cody: Ang gwapo ni Greyson.

Greyson: Okay continue. *laughs*

Cody: Ang pangit ni Cody. Wow! I'm so good at this! *laughs*

Greyson, You, Alli: *laughs*

Even though Alli can't understand, Cody's funny how he pronounced it.

Cody: Maganda si (YN) at si Alli. Maganda means pretty right? 

Greyson: Yeah.

Alli: Wait, I want too!!

Cody: But what does those sentences means first?

Alli: I don't know, of course. 

Greyson: Well, it means we're both handsome and they're both pretty.

Cody: Oh! I think I'm loving your language now.

You: *laughs*

Alli handed you a paper and let you translate it.

You: Oh this is so funny. *laughs*

Alli: *clears throat* Bakla si Cody at Greyson. 

You and Alli laughed so hard while Greyson and Cody are like O.O

Greyson: What's so funny about it?

You: Secret! *laughs*

Alli: This word is so hilarious! I can't stop laughing. *laughs*

Cody: Why? 

Alli: Bakla means Gay.

Alli can't stop laughing. Some of the people are looking at her.

Cody: Hey! We're not gay.

You: We were just kidding. *laughs*

All of you had a goooood time. It was fun. Best friends. When it's time to go...

You: Awww, bye guys! *made a sad look*

You gave them a big hug. You can see Grey's lugubrious face. 

You: Awww, cheer up. 

Greyson: How can I cheer up when you're gonna leave?

You: I'm always there. *put your hands in his heart*

He hugged you tight like how he hugged you the time you surprised him on his birthday.

Greyson: Thank you and I love you so much! 

You: I love you too Grey. 

It's so sad you're gonna leave. But this is a small world anyway, you'll see again soon.

You're in the plane. You can't stop thinking about everything. Every single thing that happened in just one month with the people you love and specially Grey. 

You looked at your ring and the necklace he gave you. Did I mention that you're wearing your first ever GC shirt with his face on it? You missed being a fangirl and so you wore it. It's a comfortable, simple shirt. It has his face and a piano on it. It's your favorite shirt. It was given by your best friends from the Philippines. You used to wear it 3x a week. 

You looked at the window, wondering what if Grey is a giant. You get your iPod from your bag and listen to his songs. 

You: I wish I recorded every thing he said. Ohh I forgot.

You slept while listening to his voice. You arrived 4:30 PM in the Philippines. 

You: OMG Hi mom!

Mom: Hi darling! Happy to see you again!

You're in the Philippines already. You didn't know you gained lots and lots of fans! 

Girl 1: Can I have your autograph?

Girl 2: Can I have picture with you?

Boy 1: Marry me!

Girl 3: I love you and Greyson!

So many people. Wow, they're so kind and very warm.

You: Thank you so much guys. I can't believe this is happening to me.

People: We love you!

You left them with a smile.

You: Wow mom!

Mom: You deserve it! Love you! Keep up the good work.

Your mom's so sweet. She's there for you every time. 

You arrived at home. Your friends are there! They missed you so much. You told them EVERYTHING. 

Friend 1: Ohh I wanted to be your bridesmaid! 

You: *laughs* You guys.. I'm not yet gonna marry him.

Friend 3: Soon. *blush*

Friend 2: If you're gonna marry him in LA, it means you're gonna leave us here? *made a sad look*

You: *laughs* No guys. Of course not. Well, the church he showed me is not yet final. He just wanted to give me that ring outside a church. 

Friend 1: You're so lucky! SUPER LUCKY! He's like OMG I'm so speechless!! 

Friend 3: I can't believe he's gonna marry my best friend! OMG!

Your friends are totally excited about you. They didn't hate you for what happened. That only means they're true best friends. 

You tweeted.

@username: Arrived in the Philippines! I can't believe people waited for me in the airport! Thank you so much guys!

You missed home. Everything. Specially your room. You fixed your things and everything. Then you sleep...

It was morning when your mom had a surprise..

Mom: (YN)!

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