Part 36 ♥

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"I met this girl in a parking lot. I never realized she's going to be someone special to me. I met her for the second time in the restaurant of my hotel. She's pretty and sweet. I love how she shares so many things about me. And that's the reason why I love talking with my fans. I had a weird feeling while we're talking, I think I wanted to give something for her. Maybe as a thank you because she went to the hotel for her jacket and for the time she gave to talk to me. I gave her one of my favorite necklace. Luckily it's on my pocket. She's very very happy. I love her smile and the way she blushes. When she left, it's weird that I missed her. 

I went to her house. She's surprised. I'm her piano teacher for that day. And that feeling went on me again. I think I like her. I told her to be my best friend. I love how she freaked out. She told me she's like dreaming. 

Time passed, she surprised me on my birthday! I'm like the happiest guy on earth that time. And I missed her so much. 

On her performance day, I asked her to be my girlfriend. I felt very very nervous on what she'll answer. I don't know why I asked that. She answered 'YES'. Happiest day ever. 

Months passed, I felt that long distance relationship is really hard. Missing her so bad. Wanted to be with her but impossible for that time. That's why I'm looking forward for my Asia concert. Not just because of her, because of the fans too that supports me. I love all of them.

I saw my girl, my best friend, my girlfriend, my everything. ♥ If that girl is reading this right now, I just wanna say thank you so much for everything and I love you with all my heart. I'm praying that our relationship's going to be strong and forever. I couldn't believe that the girl I met from the parking lot is the girl I wanted to marry."

You're crying.. You flipped the page.

"Sweetie, I know you're reading this already. Awww, did I made you cry? Aww *hugs and kisses* I love you no matter what. Always remember that. I wrote this because I'm like dreaming too. You're my angel. And I'm very sorry for my handwriting. I love love love love you! Marry me? Haha, just kitten! I love you!!! ♥" 

Awwww, he's so sweet even though the last part's kinda funny. He gave effort on his letter. It's not a ordinary letter written in a paper only. It's written in a colorful scrapbook like paper (I don't know where he got that, probably he bought that or I don't know). He used black ink for his letter. The color of the paper's mostly red and pink and white. He used two pages for it. Then he put the letter in an envelope. It's color (your favorite color). It has a white ribbon on it. And also, inside... it has you, his and both of your pictures only saved in his laptop that means you only saw those pictures for the 1st or 2nd time. 

His letter made you smile and cry. Alexa saw you and the letter when she came back in your room.

Alexa: Wow! A love letter! From? Greyson? *smiles*

You: Yeah. *smiles and blushes*

Alexa: Awww, my brother's so sweet! Can't believe he's a romantic guy. *laughs* *sit beside you* 

You: *laughs* I know right? He's so sweet like OMG I'm gonna die, Alexa! Why is he killing me by sweetness?

Alexa: Like Alexa like Greyson. Joke! *laughs* He just loves you very much! If you could only know how much we talk about you when we're in Oklahoma. He even talk about you with his friends.

You: OMG *laughs* Is that a little embarrassing for me? 

Alexa: Nahh! His friends actually wanted to meet you!

You: *surprised* Really? That's great! 

Alexa: Ang by the way, Oreo misses you. 

You: *giggles* That cute little cat. I miss Oreo too.

Alexa: Same. 

You and Alexa talked for minutes. Both of you waited for everyone to get up on bed. 

8 AM when everyone's starting to get up on bed. You and Alexa immediately went back on your room and do a fake sleeping. Both of you can't stop smiling that's why you hide inside your blankets. 

Alexa: *whispering* OMG this is so hilarious. In the count of three, when someone enters, we'll say "BOO!" Okay? *giggles*

You: *whispering and laughs a little* Okay okay.

Grey entered the room.

Greyson: Oh, they're still sleeping? *peeked on you* Aww... *smiles*

Good thing you didn't laughed and even smiled.

Alexa: *whispers very very soft* 1..2..3..

Alexa and You: BOO!

Greyson: OMG!!! *surprised*

The 3 of you keep on laughing and made Daddy Scott and Mommy Lisa awake. 

Greyson: Aww you guys! You prank me again! *laughing hard*

Alexa: *laughs*I love your reaction! 

You eat breakfast and bond that day. Grey and his family's gonna leave very soon.

Let's skip through the next days.... Grey's leaving Philippines! 

So many fans went to the airport. They're so sad that Grey's already leaving but still happy to meet him and Grey promised that he'll come back again. Grey's gonna miss you so much that what he did when you're in the car is to hug you tight. Of course, you'll miss him too! 

You: Thanks for the letter. *smiles and looked at him*

Greyson: *hugs you tighter* I love you.

You: I love you more. 

Greyson left. 

Months passed, another music video's coming for you and Grey. The director wanted You Are The Music In Me by Zac and Vanessa. People would definitely love that video. It's a plan first and hoping for a shoot soon. You and Grey felt excited about it and looking forward to see each other again. You still talk with him on Skype. Even though there's time difference, both of you still try to communicate also even thought both of you are busy with your works. 

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