[III] Beautiful Liar

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"Someone called us telling us someone with this license plate kidnapped a girl, the description of the kidnapper is similar to you. And the car with that license plate is in front if your house, in case you didn't know. What do you got to say about that, miss Cabello?"


"I did not kidnap anyone. She has Amnesia. She found a way out of the house and I had to get her back in without making a scene which I think we did anyway because the cops were called but yeah" she half smiled at the cop, nice acting.

"Uh, I'd like to see proof about the Amnesia thing" he said trying to look inside.

"Sure I'll look for it then change my clothing to something appropriate" she said closing the door, walking towards me with caution.

"You know how to fake having Amnesia? Because like it or not, you'll have to. Your name is Irma, you've had Amnesia for 2 years, you like cats and I'm your sister" she walked to her room and I followed her to ask her.

"How can I have Amnesia? I'm only 22" I'm so confused, is there someone my age with Amnesia? Never seen or heard of one. "I hope you're smart and come up with something good if the cop doesn't fall for it" I leaned on the door frame as I watched her change her clothes, taking a mental picture of her buttcheeks coming out of her hotpants. She noticed me staring and didn't hesitate to point it out.

"I know you like what you see, but you have to distract the cop not yourself" she whispered, turning around to find Irma's Amnesia files somewhere on the nightstand. So she had the files ready? Hmm.

I went to the front door and opened it, letting him come in.

"Hi there, John, my beautiful brother. It has been a while" I say, with a smile on my face placing my hand on his shoulder to make him uncomfortable.

"Uh...Miss, I'm not your brother" he gave me a fake smile before he spoke again "Plus, I'm too old, I could be your father" he gave me another fake smile before looking at something on his notebook, ew though, my father?

"I'm sure I've seen you somewhere" the cop said, instantly making me nervous.

Please don't recognize me. Please don't recognize me. Please don't recognize me.

"I'm your sister, John, do you have Alzheimer already?" I gave him a disbelief look before taking a seat on the sofa. "You can take a seat, John, let's talk about what you've done in life"

He was about to open his mouth before Camila came in with a lot of papers on her hands. Probably fake or something, but why?

She was wearing a yellow dress with white flowers, really short though.

"Here sir, her name is Irma" she handed him the papers. Of course he wasn't going to read them all, we could say he didn't even read them.

"...Hmm...okay" he didn't really believe us but maybe he thought this could really happen.

"Sir, do you want some lemon cake?" Camila asked with a well acted smile, getting the cake from out of the fridge.

"Sure" he said looking at me, more like trying to remember where has he seen me.

"I can't remember where I've seen you" he said, struggling to remember.

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