[IV] Reality Hurts

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Why did you lie when the cop asked you about kidnapping me?"


She took a while to answer the question and I wonder why?

"You understand all this stuff, me and my team don't get along with police"

"That still doesn't explain why you lied" I half smiled, knowing that maybe she was hiding something.

"Look, you are ours, not the police's. I can't tell him 'look we have Y/N here, take her away from us and make her yours' No, I'm just not going to let that happen, because you belong to our team..." she rested her chin on her hand "...it's just complicated"

"Are you going to take me to jail some day?" I ask her, standing up to sit beside her, interested in what she was going to say next. She took her gun out and kept it glued to her hand, because, she didn't trust me of course.

"Remember it was only one question you could ask?" She turned her face to the side and smiled.

"Oh, come on dude" I rolled my eyes and got comfortable on the sofa, ready to fall asleep again.

"Now, I got to go" she stood up and went to the kitchen, sitting on the chair, her hand below the table, doing the same as yesterday.

I sighed and suddenly the whole room started to transform. I fell on my butt and when I look back the sofa was getting dragged by some sort of robot. Suddenly the whole room was filled with darkness, even though it was approximately 11:00am the point of the house transformation is leaving me with the disadvantage of seeing anything but darkness, I think.

Camila turned her phone's flashlight on and was walking towards the exit but stopped when I spoke.

"Why did you do that, again?"

"I don't trust you, you have to behave to level up" I couldn't see her because the flash was on my face, I thought I would go blind for a second.

"But I didn't do anything today"

"The day hasn't ended, you can't say that yet"

"Plus, it's not only today you have to behave, it's everyday, Y/N"

"Whatever" I said laying on the floor, staring at nothing.

"Oh, don't try to escape because there are cameras in this room with night vision. I will punish you horribly if you try something. I will always be watching you" That was the last thing she said before she made her way out, closing the door behind her with what sounded like multiple locks. The probability of getting out of here is low as shit.

Even though the room was empty, I was scared to move because it was dark I don't know if there was something on the ground that could make me trip. I tried walking to the fridge, but I never found it. I don't know where it was because there wasn't even a little bit of light in this room.

I don't want to kick things and stuff because she must be watching me but I'm losing my shit. I'm getting tired of being in the dark, I feel blind. I walked around the room, kicking the walls and whatever was in my way. I'm frustated, I hate her, I hate myself for being so stupid and breaking into this house.

I let a loud scream fill the house, a scream filled with hate and frustation. I brought my hands to my hair, pulling it slightly. I can't take this.

I've been here for seven hours I think. It has been a long time, I don't have a watch and I can't see outside but I assume it has been that long.

I'm starving, I feel like my stomach is eating my other organs to not be hungry. When will Camila be back? I need to eat.

I lay on the ground, staring at nothing. Slowly falling asleep...


"Hi, Y/N" she said opening the door, it was sunny outside, so it hasn't been that long. She still had the yellow dress.

"Camila, I'm hungry" I sat up, looking at her with a sad face.

"Eat me" She said, putting her stuff on the table, coming back to the living room, sitting on the couch.

I looked at her confused, not moving at all. I didn't know what to say, was she serious?

Her lips formed a smirk, making her look absolutely sexy. She spreaded her legs, giving me a view of her wet underwear. I'm liking this, all of a sudden though.

I got on the floor and wallked like a dog closer to her, she was now on the floor, waiting for me to start doing my job.

"Y/N" I heard a voice in the background, where is it coming from?

"Y/N wake up!" I was woken up by a kick on the stomach, wasn't there another way to wake me up. Why did she even kick me in the stomach, I want to slap the shit out of her. Wait so this was all a dream?

"Don't fucking do that shit again or I will rip your heart out" I said getting up from the floor to intimidate her, she didn't move a bit, but I bet she was scared as shit. I could see it on her eyes.

She looked around the room, after she spoke again not looking into my eyes.

"What the fuck did you say to me?" She now grabbed my cheeks with her hand, and started into my eyes, killing me with her two brown orbs. I didn't want to speak anymore, if I did, I won't say something good. I held her wrist with my hand, taking it away from my cheeks. But I felt the stinging sensation she gave me the first day. She slapped me again, and again. I don't want to hit her back, because I would probably harm her horribly, and somehow I don't want to harm her. For the first time, I think I don't want to harm someone.

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