[VII] I'm A Murderer

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I've been in this damn basement for many damn days. I've been stuck on this house for around two weeks and a half or so. The only time I get to go out of the basement is when I have to shower, yes, she let's me shower. I only have five minutes to shower and I got to do it with the door of the bathroom open, but I'm thankful because at least I can get a cold shower.

I can only eat twice a day, breakfast and dinner, I basically starve because the time between them is long as shit but I hope my stomach can soon get used to it.

She ignores me like I'm a piece of crap. I've tried to talk to her everytime she brings me food, but I get no response, as if I wasn't even talking, as if I wasn't even there. She doesn't even look at me, she just leaves the food there on the floor and leaves. Today I'll try to talk to her when she brings dinner, if she ignores me again I'll just give up and die here.

I'm tired of being stuck here, I'm tired of being treated like total crap, I'd rather die, but she told me she wouldn't give me that privilege. I get it, I broke into her house, I deserve it.

The bullet thing has healed a bit, it has been 7 days approximately. She doesn't heal it for me, she just brings the stuff and lets me do it by myself. At least I don't have an infected hole on my skin.

I'm not handcuffed anymore, Camila just points at me with the guns and I'll do whatever she asks for.

I'm really glad I don't have to eat worms and cockroaches, she brings me a good ass breakfast and dinner food, but she doesn't give me enough food to fill my stomach and that's probably one of the worst torture methods: Cooking really good but you can eat basically nothing of it.

I'm not tied up or anything, I can walk around the basement but there's no point in it, because there is no way to escape.

She should be here in a few minutes I think. I'm sure it's dinner time because I've been starving for a long ass time.

I picked up the empty plate she gave me breakfast on, holding it with my hands as if I was driving. I smiled at the fresh memory of when my cousins and friends played around the house each time the family and friends reunited. I was sitting on the floor with my legs crossed, smiling and 'driving' an imaginary car. I notice that I've been doing this for a while, if Camila sees me she'd think I'm going nuts.

I suddenly hear the door open, revealing the brunette with a straight face.

"You've been here for too long, I can see" She sadly smiled before making her way in front of me with the dinner plate. She placed it on the floor, it was spaghetti and chicken breast. It smelled like heaven, I bet it tasted like heaven too. If only I was able to eat more than what I get.

"Camila" I attempted to get her attention.

"Hey" I said as she stood up and started walking to the door.

"Agent!" no answer.

"So that's all you know how to do, run from my questions?" I ask her frustrated, regretting it a second later.

She stopped on her tracks and turned around slowly, placing her dark eyes on mine, intimidating me somehow. I opened my mouth to talk again or say sorry, because those words definitely slipped. Before I could speak she made her way to me, kneeling down to my level with a half smile.

"...So what do you do? Run away from your enemies, run away from the police, run away from everyone and run away from yourself" She sarcastically smiled while shaking her head a little before she stood up and made her way to the door, looking at me behind her shoulder.

I can tell she was expecting an answer but she also knew I didn't have one. She destroyed me with those words, she destroyed me with the truth.

I opened my mouth, hoping something would come out of it but nothing did. She turned around and spoke again in a laughing tone "You're a joke" she said before she laughed a bit loud. She exited the room and closed the door without saying anything else, leaving me shocked. Those words shocked me but I shouldn't let them get to me, or else, I would be thinking about this all day.

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