[VIII] Uncontrolled

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sorry if I've had a bad english.

Hope you enjoy.


"What did you say?" I ask her while my hands pinned her wrists against the wall. She wasn't moving a muscle, she just looked at me expectantly and full of hate.

"...Are you fucking deaf now?" she quirked her eyebrow glaring into my eyes.

"Don't fucking speak to me like that!" I yelled. She flinched a bit, which made me feel in control of the whole situation.

"Or what, Y/N, Are you going to kill me? How exciting" she started to laugh at me, not to loud but she made sure it annoyed the shit out of me. "Let me go, asshole!" she yelled to my face, her voice was loud as shit my ears hurt. She started to break free from me but I was way stronger so she just gave up and calmed down before I spoke again.

"Did you just call me asshole?"

She slowly nodded and tried to break free again but she failed.

"Remember that day I had to eat pancakes with my mouth only? I was such an asshole" I let a breathy laugh escape. "No one has done it as good as me you said?"

"I was lying asshole!" She screamed again, louder, making me mad.

"...Fuck yourself"

"Why do I have to do that when I have you in front of me" she harshly said, avoiding eye contact. Did she just fucking say that shit? Oh, that was a bad idea, agent.

"Then why do you fucking treat me like shit?!" I angrily said, not matching the sentence. I let go of her wrist and run my hand to her thighs slowly pulling her hotpants down.

She slapped my hand away with her free hand and pulled them back up. I was so damn close to pulling her pants down.

"Nope" she tried to keep a smirk inside but couldn't hold it, I couldn't either, so we were both smirking at each other without really wanting too. What the fuck is happening and why am I so confident?

I let go of her other hand and I placed both of my hands on her waist, staring into those brown orbs of her. Call me crazy but I'm starting to change my mind about this girl.

She brought her hands up, making me flinch because I thought she'd slap me or something but she rested her hands on my shoulders instead.

As soon as she did that I brought my face closer to her, close enough to make her think I was going to kiss her. When our lips were centimeters away, she parted her lips, staring at mine. But I'm not going to kiss her so I pulled away before our lips touched, fearing what was her next move.

Her breathing was heavy, and fast, unintentionally letting me know she wants me. She can't keep that a secret, liar.

Before I could move to do anything she slapped the shit out of me. It was really strong, but I managed to stay still and act like nothing happened. My eyes got watery because, come on, it was a strong ass slap.

"...I hate you so much" she said before she grabbed my face with her soft hands and connected our lips with rage and hate.

I followed, holding her waist and bringing her closer to my body if it was even possible. She was so into the kiss, it was getting hard for her to breathe, I could tell. In my case, I'm not losing it yet because is not the first time I do this and its not the last.

Her hand was running up and down my neck, making me hot, this always happens to me. In exchange I ran my hand all around her back, tried not to touch her ass but it was inevitable. So here I am, basically in the middle of the woods making out with my kidnapper who is also someone who was going to be my victim.

She broke the kiss to slip her shirt off as fast as possible, then crashed her lips onto mine again, already missing the touch of them. But I pulled away to admire her stomach, it was toned
and perfect.

I let go of her ass and started to move my hand to her waist, then her stomach. There I was slowly caressing it, to make her desire me more. I saw it go up and down, matching her breathing. Everytime she exhaled, abs appeared on it, not bodybuilder abs, but something perfect for my liking. Damn I want to kiss her perfect stomach.

"Fucking... kiss me" she managed to say out of breath. She cupped my cheeks and hungrily crashed her lips onto mine again.

I kept tracing shapes around her stomach making her shiver each time I did it. Until I decided it was time to make her feel pain, not pleasurable pain, but pain.

I roughly pressed my nails on the skin of her stomach, then ran my hand all over it. She gasped loudly, breaking the kiss to look at her stomach. It was red, my nailmarks around her stomach were starting to bleed a little but it wasn't something serious.

"Oh...fuck you" she breathlessly said before she jumped on me with her hands on my neck and her legs wrapped around my waist.

My hands quickly positioned on her ass, keeping her in place. We both got lost on our lips, our breathing out of control but we didn't want to pull away to breathe. I carried her all around the living room, I didn't know I had the power to carry someone for this long or maybe it was just the kiss that injected some adrenaline on me because I even forgot I was shot.

I quickly sat her on the kitchen island, standing in between her legs, that was the closest I could be with her right now. She cupped my cheeks tightly, making it kinda hard to move my lips, but I stood there and let her kiss me. I got tired of my cheeks being pressed so I shook my head breaking free from her. Then I grabbed her thighs and pulled her closer to me if it was possible, her front was touching my stomach and she was rocking against it slowly, probably not wanting me to know shes doing it.

I snaked my hand behind her head and grabbed a handful of her dark brown hair pulling it roughly instantly breaking the kiss and earning a glare from the brunette in front of me. Before she could speak I leaned in to her neck and started planting wet kisses on it. She placed her hand on my head, caressing my hair. I let go of the grip I had on her hair once she managed to move her head to give me more access. I sucked on the skin of her neck, earning a loud ass moan from the brown eyed girl, the sound of her perfect moan filled my ears and it was basically a compliment. I can tell she's been holding the moan, she doesn't want me to know how good I am at this.

I pulled away to kiss her lips again, she was desperately kissing me back. She hummed into my mouth and I could help but smirk while she kissed me. Only if she knew, I'm just teasing her.

I slowed the pace of the kiss, and started to pull away slowly. Leaving her full of confusion and unfinished, that's sad.

"Why...did you stop?" She managed to say between her heavy breathing while jumping off the island.

"The movie is over" I say shrugging my shoulders. The movie was definitely not over, because she paused it but I still nailed it.

"You... don't get to decide when to... stop" She said between each breath she took.

"I just did. I'm going back to the basement" I say half smiling, why did I do that? I don't know.

"I didn't tell you to go there" She said resting her hand on her waist, finally controlled her breathing.

I raised an eyebrow waiting for her to speak again.

"You're not sleeping in the basement today, you've been a good girl" She said trying to avoid eye contact before turning around and walking to her room I guess.

I've been a good girl? Hell yeah I've been a good girl

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