[XXVI] Don't Slap Me

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"Lauren we're going to die because of you!"

"Shut up Lyane, I know what I'm doing"

"You're supposed to kill all of the zombies and leave one alive so you can do all the shit you're doing" Gabriela says as she pauses the game. It's true, Lauren doesn't know what she's doing.

"You dumbass, we have to kill all of them so we can win the game" Lauren glares at the other green eyed girl. Not much time has passed since they met and Lauren is already calling her dumbass.

"You don't win the game, ever. The game doesn't end, there's only one way and that's losing; what matters is how much time you last playing" I winked at the three confused girls sitting on the couch. Why do they play if they don't know how to?

"Guys, I made breakfast a while ago and you're still there?" Camila walks into the room standing in front of the TV blocking the view... or giving me a better one, sorry I'll stop. "Lauren, Lyane and Gabriela, can you go eat before I throw it all away?" She sighed as she placed her hand on her forehead. I wish I knew how she feels but I don't cook so I don't understand.

"Okay, no need to go crazy" Gabriela stands up as Lyane and Lauren followed. I already had breakfast, they didn't eat because they were busy not knowing how to play. They probably didn't pay attention to Camila's speech about not messing it up for her since her boyfriend doesn't know we're all criminals and he is coming here today.

"Are they gone?" Camila walks closer to me as she looks to the kitchen.

"Ye-" I felt the brunette jump on the couch, grabbing my face and pecking my lips repeatedly. I'm running out of breath.

"I've been wanting to do this since I saw you this morning" She smiled as she stared into my eyes.

"S-stop" I grab her hands and pull the away a bit annoyed. Doesn't she even notice?


"Did you forget your boyfriend is coming over soon?" I raised my eyebrows as I see her drop her mouth. "How could you even forget? You told me yesterday"

"I didn't forget, I was just messing with you. And he is coming pretty soon I b-" She grabbed her phone to check the time but was interrupted by the sound of knocks on the door. I'm surprised there isn't a doorbell in the house, or maybe he doesn't know how to ring it.

"Perfect timing" I sarcastically laugh as I see her run to the door, she must be really excited to see him. On thether hand, I don't even want to hear him.

"Matthew!" She screamed. Oh, lord.

"Babe, how are you?" If I hear that dumbass voice one more time I would probably... I don't even know.

"I'm happy, but happier with you now" Camila, are you serious? Why am I even jealous? "Come inside"

I see her walk in the living room holding hands with him, but I pretended to not see them.

"...and this is...Cheryl, right?"

"Yeah" I say as I grab my phone and pretend to text non-existent people.

"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you" He smiled as he extended his hand for me to shake. I hesitated for a second, but to not put Camila in a bad place I shook it.

"Oh, trust me, the pleasure is mine" I sarcastically say as I smirked earning a glare from the brunette beside him. I really hope I can hold my sarcastic comments back for whatever time he pretends to stay here, but I can't make any promises. "Hey, you should really meet the people in the kitchen" I excitedly say as I stand up to go to my room, I know it might be rude but I'd rather be up there than down here right now.

Heartless (Camila/You) ✓Where stories live. Discover now