[XXIX] Prettier

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"I can't see for shit" She chuckled as she struggled to speak. Her eyes are red as hell, I think she smoked more weed blunts in there.

"Y/N, you've got to cooperate if you want me to help you upstairs; and keep it quite because it's really late" I whisper into her ear, quickly backing away because the smell of alcohol pulverized my nose.

The girls left the part early, but Y/N decided it would be fun to stay longer. So here she is, all fucked up with her red eyes and smelly breath. She's been speaking nonsense since we got to the party, so imagine what I've been dealing with, specially now.

"I-I want to turn you on, Camille!" She shouts loudly. Shit, I hope everyone is already sleeping, specially Matthew. "You're always the light of the room, but where's your switch? I can't see!" She completes her sentence. I won't deny that was adorable, although she's drunk.

"Here, use the flashlight on my phone" I hand her my phone after turning the flashlight on. Suddenly I could see the stairs clearly and drunk Y/N perfectly.

"I see you, strawberry shortcake" She whispered, smiling widely. She poked my cheek again, and again, but she's drunk so I won't complain. I like this side of her, she's all sweet and cute. Matthew tries to be like that but he just can't. He's just too much, but I love him; I really do. I wish he could be like Y/N: dominant, sweet and protective. Nevertheless, when he tries to be all of those things at the same time, he fails terribly, but at least he tries and that really counts for me.

Suddenly, she clings onto me. She puts all of her weight on me and I can barely hold her up, she's too heavy. It doesn't look like she pretends to stop, and I'm getting tired of holding her up.

"Y/N, stop. You're heavy" I shout-whispered. Shit, did she pass out or something?

There was the moment I couldn't hold onto her anymore, so we both fell to the ground. I hit my elbow real hard, but Y/N landed with her face, so I can't imagine the pain.

"For fucks sake! Hold onto me Barney, I told you I was busy" She spoke into the floor.

"Y/N, let me see your face. Are you okay?" I quickly sat up to grab her face. I inspected it, she had no bruises or wounds so I suppose she's alright. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Come here" I grabbed her face and placed it close to my chest, I hugged her tightly, as if I shot her... I actually have, and I regret it with everything, but I was scared and lonely. I regret it strongly.

I hugged her while slowly moving back and forth to comfort her, since she's starting to get emotional. She sniffled before I felt her start tearing up. My poor baby.

"I miss my mom" She cried onto my chest. Right now, I want to protect her against any evil force, and kiss her forehead to help her calm down. Unfortunately, it's not the place nor time for it.

"...is everything alright, babe?"

I quickly jumped when I heard Matthew's voice behind us. It was so suddenly, it scared me. Y/N on the other hand, is still crying on me, and my hands are still around her. I'm surprised she hasn't reac-

"Go away, dickhead!" Y/N pushed me away before abruptly standing up, stumbling her way to Matthew. "You don't get to decide anything around here. I'm better than you, back off, snail!" She pointed at him with all the anger in her voice. I'm afraid this could escalate to something worse.

"You heard her, Matthew, go back to bed" I looked at Matthew directly. I hope he can understand I'm not kidding. I don't want him to touch Y/N; Not because he could hurt her, but because she could kill him.

Heartless (Camila/You) ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora