[XIV] Speak Up

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"Camila stop, why the hell are you walking away from me?" I asked the brunette, full of confusion.

All of a sudden, she turned around and grabbed me by neck and pressed her forehead against mine... that was intimidating. "What. Do. You. Want?" She asked full of anger as she looked deep into my eyes.

"What are you doing here?" I ask her in peace, I don't want her to go crazy on me like she always does.

"What am I doing here? I don't know, maybe working for Pablo" She said out of annoyance.

"But you were an IA" I confusedly reminded the girl in front of me.

"Don't remind me about that" The brunette said as she kept walking towards the beach mansion.

"Okay guys, what is happening?" Pablo confusedly asked while looking at the both of us.

"What wouldn't have happened if you introduced the team first" I responded to Pablo, raising my left eyebrow.

"Fuck, I'm sorry. I completely forgot" He sighed, massaging his forehead. We all forgot, let's admit it; but he should take the blame, even though I would take it. This man doesn't care about anyone, he is ready to kill.

"You know that I almost kill her, right? I was going to shoot the organs out of her because she had the codes. You never told me she was part of the team, it could've gone really bad!" I angrily told Pablo.

"But you didn't!" The brown eyed girl stepped in.

"Because you disappeared, I would've shot you if the helicopter didn't interrupt" I shouted at Camila. God, make her understand I didn't know it was her.

"Oh really..." She said while rolling her eyes.

"This is not bowling, stop rolling your fucking eyes" I say without thinking. Fuck, that was so fucking stupid. Now I will sound retarded and bipolar.

"Holy shit. That was a good one Y/N" Lauren breathlessly said.

"Excuse me, Lo, this is a serious moment" I glared at the green eyed girl before turning back to the short beauty in front of me. Yes, I'm talking about Camila.

"And you... why did you take D'ravello away from us if you knew who I was?" I asked her.

"Because I didn't know you were on my team!"

"Then why the hell didn't you shoot me!?" I angrily ask while furrowing my eyebrows.

"...I-I don't know..." She said turning her eyes from me to the ground. "I don't know Y/N. I really don't know" She fake smiled, not taking her eyes away from the ground.

Fuck, all I want to do right now is forget about everything she has done to me and hug her really tight, while kissing her forehead and protect her from everyone; but my dumb ass also wants to act tough, so...

"You know what? Fuck this shit" I say as I turn around to walk to my room. Yes, each of us has a room except for Lyane, she is supposed to sleep in the living room, but Lauren would probably share her bed with Lyane. Hopefully, nothing happens; it's not like it bothers me but I'd like to sleep.

When I got to my room, I saw all my stuff placed on the bed; my clothes, accessories and my luggage.

I picked the clothes up and placed them where they should be, same with the accessories and bags. After such hard work, I layed on my bed. I can finally lay down and overthink about what happened earlier.

I am so confused, what if she's here because she's spying on me? Or what if she wants to kill me? God, I feel so unsafe right now. I feel like I'm a rose in a fire. She's dangerous but she's the kind of dangerous I like to mess with.

What shocked me the most is that she pulled Lauren away from me when we were kissing earlier. Was she jealous or was she just trying to make it better? Plus, I'm still wondering about why didn't she shoot me when she saw me. She should've known that I was a threat, since I broke into her house.

I never expected her to be this and I never expected her to be here. Pablo didn't introduce us before the mission and that is so wrong. I could've killed her, I really didn't care back then... because I didn't know that it was her.

She has become so...

I was interrupted my three soft knocks on the wooden door of my bedroom. I almost thought it was part of my imagination, but I decided to let them in.

"Come in, and knock a little lou... not you again" I sighed as I closed my eyes to take a deep, deep breath.

"Hey, calm down. I just want to talk to you. You were so angry earlier that I thought it wouldn't be possible to speak to you today" She nervously stated, fidgeting with her fingers.

"Well, speak..."

"Well okay, I just want to let you know that I'm not here to kill you. I'm here to stay and to be part of your team. No, don't think I'm following you because I had no idea that you worked for him, okay? I just want you to know that I'm doing this for my money" Camila calmly explained as she sat on the end of my bed. I didn't give her permission but it's not like it bothers me. I have to act tough, I have to act like I don't care about her; because she has changed, compared to how she treated me before this is angelical. But I don't want to let her know that it's working, I don't want to let her know that she is making me soft. That makes me weak, and weakness means death in this game.

"That still doesn't explain anything about earlier... You know what? Just go to sleep" I say as I pointed at the door. She looked at me confused before saying:

"I was talking to you so sweetly and that's how you reply?" She connected her eyebrows in anger and raised her voice at the end. "Write this down: I tried approaching you in a nice fucking way but you want to act all tough" She turned on her heels, swaying her hips from side to side, making every step as loud as possible.

I have to do something, I can't just let this end like that. I want to speak with her, but now it's not the right time.

"Camila stop" And as if it was magic, she stopped, she really stopped. It was as if she was waiting for me to stop her. I'm just so confused, but so into her. I want to be with her but I don't at the same time, and that's the feeling I don't like to have.

Camila looked at me over her shoulder with her brown pools of chocolate, her eyes. She kills me everytime she does that, but I love it. I just want to push her into the bed and kiss her with passion and with hate but with a little bit of love... see? I don't even know how I feel.

"Let's talk tomorrow Y/N, when you calm down and feel better" She half smiled, as if it hurt. "Goodbye" she whispered as she closed the door once she got out.

I don't want to wait until tomorrow, but I guess she's right about me having to calm down, I feel like a untamable horse.


Guys I know this was a short part but I want you to know that this is not the whole part, I posted half of it because you wanted me to update.

I'm sorry I'm taking so long to post, a category 5 hurricane hit my island and it was a really hard moment for me since i got really complicated to write and post since there was no electricity. But I'm back now and hopefully I will be able to post the next part, which I know you will like.

Luv y'all <3

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