[XXVIII] Weed and Alcohol

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"Cheryl!" I quickly jumped off my bed, the strong knocks on the door woke me up in a second. It's fucking Matthew, what does he want now?

"Shit" I hear a feminine voice behind me, I slowly turn around to see the brunette with those chocolate eyes that drive me crazy. She looks scared, or anxious, like somebody between a wall and a sword. "He's looking for me, yesterday I left my room when he was already sleeping. Shit" She whispers as she gathered her underwear and silk night robe from the floor.

"Cheryl! Open the door" He knocks louder. I'm starting to freak out, I don't want things to get crazy out here. She really meant it when she said he goes crazy when he is angry.

"Geez, Mark, Let me sleep!" I scream faking a sleepy voice while putting my clothes on as fast as I could.

"L-Listen, Camila is not in her room. She's not answering my texts and calls. I already asked her other cousins and they don't know, I thought at least you would know where she went" He explained using a calmer tone this time, odd. I don't think he expects her to be here in my locked room because he thinks we're cousins.

"I don't know, she's probably at Starbucks near the theater or at the mall. D-don't you think it's a bit early to knock on my door? Go away man" And just like that, I didn't hear him anymore. It's been a few seconds and all I heard was the front door. I suppose he went to look for her or some shit, he sounded a little bit desperate.

"Really, Starbucks?" Camila says as she raised an eyebrow while putting her underwear on.

"Let's just hope he goes looking for you; and by the way, you really have to go to one of those two places so he thinks you've been there the whole time." I also raised my eyebrows making her chuckle. I don't want to let him know it was a lie, Camila probably doesn't want me to kill him if he goes crazy.

"I'll just text him I was buying Mocca Frappé from McDonald's" (idk how you write it in English but we write Mocca I suppose is the same lol) "Hey, Y/N..." She slowly approached flipping her hair to the side with her hand. She slowly lays her head on my chest, placing her hands around me before hugging me tightly. "I like hugging you. You're like a cute little sexy cloud of hotness" She giggled without letting go.

I placed my chin on top of her head without asking anything. I don't think I should even ask what the hell she was talking about. "Go" I whispered, we don't know when he is coming back and it wouldn't look good for him to see Camila leaving my room with her sleeping clothes "And just answer his texts, he probably thinks Thanos made you dust"

"Of course, whatever you want me to do" She winked while making her way to the door, I suppose that was a kinky response. She was carrying her night robe on her hand which means I get to see the perfect sculpture from behind.

Let me tell you, I have never seen a girl with that back of hers. Those curves, that ass, those legs, everything about her activates my horniness. I watched as her waist moved from side to side every time she took a step, my eyes were glued to her. Makes me want to rip her underwear off and fuck her against the wall again, but she has to go back to Matthew.

"You might wanna put that robe on" I mumbled, I don't want her to put it on, she doesn't need it.

"Oh, shoot, they were going to see me on my underwear. They would've been so traumatized" She jokes chuckling placing her soft hand on her chest to contain it.

"I don't believe they would be traumatized at all. You know you look like a goddess with that on"

"I don't think goddesses wear this type of underwear. Anyway, see you in a few, but you should kiss me before I leave" She playfully glared as she grabbed my jaw and slowly placed her lips on mine. It lasted a few seconds, I didn't want to let go of her. Those soft lips are so addicting.

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