Not Like You|Batsis

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You were trained by deadly killers along side your brother. You were older by two years, but since you were a girl you were trained to be a guard. You were more of a monster than Damian. 

When You First Arrived With Damian:

"Take that you thug!" You yelled, jamming your elbow in the temple of man, sending him spinning to the ground. Damian watched from where you had told him to stay, hand tensed around the hilt of his sword. You grabbed his shoulder and pushed him forward out of the alley, searching your surroundings as you both walked down a creaky dock. A lean figure jumped down in front of your brother, causing you to push him behind you and stare at the man. "What do you want?" You spat, eyes never leaving the mans. He looked behind your shoulder at Damian, then looked back to you. Without warning he threw his arm to punch you, you blocking it with your arm. You gripped his wrist and forced him to the ground. Sending a quick wink at Damian, you went over and pushed the man down, delivering blow after blow to his face. After the fifth blow a movement caught your attention, along with the sound of the gun cocking. Your mind instantly went to Damian, so your body followed and ran over to your little brother and covering him with your body. Your head whipped back and forth from the shadows.

"Let's play nice here. I appreciate you not pummeling my face to oblivion. Nice reflexes though." The you had punched complemented, flexing out his jaw and rubbing it. You didn't move. "Nightwing, by the way." He tried again, frowning when you didn't move away from covering your brother. 

"Where is the gun? I can feel it aimed on me, I know its there. Remove it form it's target and I will talk to you." You stated, eyes still scanning the shadows. Nightwing looked to the left of him ans cupped his hands around his mouth. 

"RedHood! Come on out and put away the gun!" Nightwing shouted. RedHood stalked out from his hiding place and made a show of putting his gun away. You nodded and them and your face instantly melted into a comforting smile.

"So, anyone know where Batman is?"

A Couple Months After You And Damian Moved In:

For the few months that you were at the Manor, it was really enjoyable. Everyone was nice and no one tried hurting Damian. It was one night when the family made it's first mistake.

Jason and Tim had come over for dinner that night, making it a full out family dinner. You and Damian were sat together, chairs almost touching. It was common knowledge to never separate you two. It had all been going well until Jason called Damian a 'Demon'.

You stood up so fast your chair toppled backwards and landed with a loud thud on the tile floor. The whole room froze and looked to you, eyes wide. Your face was deadly, glare settled on Jason. You stomped over to him, smirking at his stunned face. There was a loud slap and Jason was sent to the floor. 

"Don't you ever speak of my brother like that again!" You shouted, glaring as he got up. Jason's glare was no match for yours but he still enforced it.

"You're an animal! Can't you act a little more human!" Tim yelled at you, poking his finger in your chest. Your gaze on Jason softened, then hardened when it turned to Tim.

"I was never human. Why do you expect me to act like one now?" With that you stalked out of the room and Manor, taking to running down the streets towards the center of Gotham.

Hope you enjoyed this. If you want a part two tell me and I will gladly make it. Anyway, suggestions are wanted and appreciated. Keep it PG to PG-13 and NO SMUT!! Ciao!

P.S Yeah I'm currently typing this in school and I really don't want to have to do this when I don't have that much time left. Bubye!

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