Its time to move.

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So, I started writing this book a year ago when I was going through major things and I wanted some space for me to express my imaginative creativity. I had seen Wattpad in ads and stuff so I gave it a whirl. I never thought I would be where I am today with this book. Currently I have over 172k reads and I can't even comprehend how I got to this point. I personally think I suck at writing, especially compared to the people I read. There aren't words to describe the amount of appreciation I feel for you guys. You are the reason I got to this level and I can't thank you enough.
Now, I have been in the past very awful at updating on regular schedules. But now I have a system. Every Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday. Except, I haven't updated in the part two weeks. For two reasons. One, I was super busy with stupid testing at school and crap like that. Two, I have been writing for tumblr. I just don't have the want to write on Wattpad anymore, so I have been using my free time writing for that. Don't get me wrong, Wattpad will always hold a special place in my heart. But, Tumblr just seems like a more fitting website for my desires in writing.
I know this just seems like a big mess of words, but my point for all of this is that I'm stopping all writing in Wattpad. I'm not going to be updating this story again. Before you get freaked out, do note that I will be active on Tumblr. Which was my main point. I am going to be moving to Tumblr. All of my writing here will stay here, but future one shots and stuff will be on their. So, if you enjoyed my writing enough to want to follow me and my transition over to Tumblr my username in FireInTheWriter. I am not saying have to follow me, just maybe read a one shot or two. Soon enough I will have batfam requests open over there but for now I will be filling out requests from the past.

Again, I can't believe how far I've gotten on here, and it means the word to me that anyone would love my writing as much as you guys have. I hope you guys join me on Tumblr.


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