Nothing Is As It Seems| Batmom/Save Yourself Part 7-Finale

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It's here! Enjoy!

She woke up gasping, air rushing in and out of her lungs at a rapid pace. The feeling of white-hot, mind-numbing pain was now a distant memory, and forgotten dream, and a green haired man waltzed around her in a sadistically happy kind of gait.

"Next time you even think of speaking out of turn, I will kill you, no hesitation needed. So, tell me, was that nightmare enough for you? Or are you willing for another few hours in exchange of a display of defiance?" The man seethed, clearly upset by the 'disrespect' she seemed to have shown him.

"I'm all good now, J. Just needed to be reminded of why this is much better than being with them." J smiled, not a genuine grin, but a taunting one that sent chills down her back.

"That's my girl! Now, let's get you untied and reeking havoc again!"


A few days later, Batman and Red Robin were patrolling through the streets, since Robin was still recovering from his bullet graze. To the right of the duo a loud clattering bang sounded, like a toppled over trash can, and a maniac level laughter erupted afterwards.

They, cautiously, ventured into the alley, footsteps soft and almost undetectable. Two figures stood blocking the entrance of the dead end alleyway, stopping a crumpled form form crawling out.

"I would let that person go right now if I were you!" Red Robin proclaimed, distracting the two figures enough for the form to escape and run as far away as they could.

"Don't you guys just ruin all of the fun!" Both figures turned around, revealing a male and female duo, both dressed and styled similarly.

"How many times will we have to tell you two to stop with this nonsense and unprecedented violence. If I was  selfish enough to believe it, I would think you two are purposely trying to attract our attention." Batman's gruff voice stated, imposing figure moving closer to the duo.

"Right on Batsy! I know how hard it's been since your lover's death, but I figured you would want to know what happened to her. You know, help you finally get over it and all that." The taller make figure had stepped forward out of the light, revealing himself as the Joker, purple suit and all.

"She was killed. That's it."

"Now now now, you know that isn't all there is to it. You see this little lady right here?" The female figure stepped forward, revealing herself as, predictably, Jester. "Well, I would have been terribly saddened if she died, so I made her just like me. You see, I have admired this girl for so long, and was waiting for just the right moment to snatch her up and make her mine. And I didn't even have to do anything! She got attached, and I swooped in and saved her!"

"What does this have to do with anything!" The bat yelled, taking another step forward closer to the pair, Red Robin listening from behind the hero.

"Don't interrupt me and you might find out. Anyway, as I was saying, I saved her, and after a few......experiments, she became the Jester, my only true love. But, I'm not her only true love. See, she had a family before I saved her, and she had a lover as well. But she can't seem to remember who she was before me, so I was thinking you could help. I know you're getting old batsy, but take a good long look at her, see something, or well, someone familiar?"



Well, there it is! The final part of the Save Yourself short story! I know I haven't updated in a while, and I apologize, but I think I'm ready to come back, and better than ever. So, get ready for some more one-shots, original content, and more! As always, requests are wanted and appreciated. Keep it PG to PG-13 and NO SMUT!! Ciao!

Question of the day: Favorite book? Mine is current Drums, Girls, and Dangerous Pie by Jordan Sonnenblick. It's an amazing book and I would read it fifty times over.

P.S-I put off writing for months, you think I'm gonna start editing now?

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