Chapter 3

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Inko Midoriya finds her daughter odd. Not in a bad way, but in a good one. She finds her daughter really intelligent, not just that but she's also really really silent. She talks, but only briefly. Inko worries for her. She worries that her daughter might grew up without friends. That her daughter might feel alone.

But Inko is glad that her son, Izuku, never leave his younger sister alone. He always pester her, of course Izumi would try to shove him away but her efforts would usually be useless. So Inko thought that maybe, just maybe, her daughter won't feel alone if Izuku will always be by Izumi's side.

Now Inko watches her children, which are now 3 years old, interacting. Izuku wrestles the struggling Izumi laughing. Inko looked at her daughter's annoyed face but she didn't miss the small smile creeping out from her face. Just that, Inko felt content.


Izuku Midoriya worries about his sister, ever since his father leave to work far away from home. He knows that she's closest to his father, so he thinks that his sister must be lonely. In able to prevent her from feeling that, Izuku never leaves his sister alone. He always talks about how awesome All Might is and he never fails to tell her that he wants to be a hero! He even drags her with him everytime he plays with Kacchan. Much to her displeasure.

Even though she fights with Kacchan everytime, leaving Izuku the mediator. It was okay because he's happy that Izumi is not alone. Izuku doesn't understand things for now because he's young, but oddly, he knows that feeling alone is not the best feeling ever.


-Midoriya Izumi-

When I found out that I was reborn into a fictional world, I did not take it well. When I first saw my twin brother, my mind went blank.. I don't know what to feel, I don't know what to think. Only I found everything very ridiculous. Like the world was toying me.

In my past life, I've spend my last days thinking about my purpose, why I was sick, why am I even alive if I would end up being dead anyway. I feel like an outcast back then.. but now I am literally an outcast. I don't belong here. I can't see the reason why I was brought here. Here in this world.

I felt numb, I feel disgusted from being angry at the innocent guy who I was with. I was frustrated, so I pushed the little kid who was looking at his sister innocently. He cried, like every normal babies do if they are hurt.

Inko and Hisashi rushed in to see the commotion that I did. They responded by scolding me. A normal child would have cried from being scolded, but I am far from normal. I laughed bitterly inside my head.

I know I am a passive person, but I was conflicted inside, my demons running wild again. For the first time in my life(?) , I found my situation hard to accept.

as the time goes on since the day that I found out, I won't eat, I won't move, I won't budge at anything. I made someone worry for me again. Inko and Hisashi panicked, so they brought me to a doctor.

When I saw the hospital, my feelings run wild, as much as I want to keep it inside, babies aren't capable of hiding feelings. Much to my distaste, I am currently a baby so my fuse didn't succeed to prevent the tears from coming out.. 

Inko started to panick again, I was glad that she sensed my strange hatred for hospitals leaving her no choice but to go back home.

Then I saw tears coming out from my current mother, and the worried expression from my current father. A pang of guilt creep up inside me.. ahh.. I did it again, I make someone worry about me..  I thought. I started to hate myself even more. It was when I remembered my oath to myself. To stop being selfish and to let someone barge into my walls.. and as a step forward I let my current family in first and see what happens.

I started to acknowledge my current parents, calling them my parents from now on. My current brother to my brother and my current name as my name. I wholeheartedly accepted my situation giving another oath to myself.

That I would try to change myself.

As years passed by, I grew closer to my family, but I grew the closest to my father, Hisashi Midoriya. Do not take it wrongly but I feel more comfortable around him, it's not that I'm not comfortable around Izuku and mother but father is different.

It's because of the fact that he never showed up in the anime. I don't know about him, I don't know what he's like and I don't know his personality. So I found it comforting, it made me feel real.. it made me think that, yes I am in a fictional world but only before, this is my current life and I will live here for the rest of my life. He made me feel alive, his reassuring presence adds up.

So when I found out that he will leave far away to sustain our needs. I was devastated. I was heartbroken. My anxiety filled up again.

Mom worried because she knows I'm sad, depressed even, but I didn't cry, she's afraid that I would grow unfeeling. I felt guilty again and scolded myself internally. Remember your oath! It screamed.

My guilt doubled when Izuku acted. He wouldn't leave me alone, to the point where I would try my best to stop him from sleeping inside my room and for stopping him from coming inside the bathroom when I pee.

But I was glad, I was delighted and touched, because whenever I pushed him away he wouldn't leave, he never leaves (though pushing him away from the bathroom is successful but it doesn't count) ... unlike the people from my past...

For the first time in my life(?), I started to look forward for tomorrow..

Then I remembered that the one who gave me a reason to look forward for tomorrow will be going through a lot from his quirklessness.. Though it's only on his childhood.

But the thought of it leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. So I promised something...

"Say, nii-san.."

"Hmm? What is it Izu-chan?" He said as he looked at me with his bright eyes..

"Promise me, you won't leave me?"

Then he laughed "What are you saying Izu-chan! Even if you won't say it I will always be by your side and protect you because I am your brother! I am here!" .. I felt joy all over my body, I tried my best not to cry from happiness.. but a tear fell out, I subtlety washed it away with my small hand.

"Heh! You're copying all might again!" I faked a pout..

"Woah! She found out!!"

"No fair! Then I will promise to protect you too!" even if I hurt myself in the process.

"Then let's protect each other!" He said with his blinding smile.

Once again, for the first time in my life(?) I smiled for real.



Sorry for the errors! 

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