Chapter 4

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Then the day I feared comes, Izuku's quirk didn't manifest.. He was diagnosed as quirkless. I saw him break, I saw his broken expression. I saw his dreams crumbling.

And I couldn't do anything to help him.. Mom can't even do it. I feel useless and worthless..

Of course I can just say that he can become a hero but I am afraid. I am afraid that something will change causing the future to alter.

In order to prevent that, I protected him in a different way.. and because of my way of protecting him I was dubbed as the 'delinquent' by my neighborhood, also in school. Everytime I found out that Izuku is being bullied, I will hunt them down and beat them into a pulp.(and I mean about 'them' as our one and only Kacchan).I always get in trouble because of that, adding mom's work by tending my wounds and bruises.

Of course Izuku won't tell me a thing about him being bullied, he worries over me so I do my job in a secret way. Though I know that he knows about this 'protecting' thing and tried to talk my senses out. Nothing he says changes my mind though.

Mom never scolds me but she only looks at me apologetically. I know she's blaming herself because she thoughts that she's an incapable mother but I don't think so.. She's been nothing but a great and supportive mother to us.

Izuku's usual outgoing and bright self goes down to timid and shy, his usual bright smiles turned into fake smiles.. while me.. I was back to being my usual self.. my uncaring self...

Yes I succeeded in protecting him physically but I failed to protect his smiles, I failed to protect him from the verbal abuse he's getting.. I can't do something about it.. because helping him with this might change the future..

Then I learned to hack.. with the help of my quirk.. a quirk that can remember every single detail. Which is the complete opposite of my sickness.

Mom and Dad doesn't have this quirk in their family tree, I didn't inherit their quirks, I knew it was rare, and my quirk can be really useful in every single thing. So I ended up as a potential test subject. Mom didn't allow it of course. She refused every single letter of request..

Then it happened when I was 13, I was walking home with Izuku when a van stopped beside us. I got a bad feeling so I instructed Izuku to walk faster.

"Nii-san, let's walk faster.." I whispered to him, his face said it all, I know that he got a bad feeling too so he did as I told him.

a man in white comes out from the van.. then he started to follow us. I started to panick, Izuku sensing my discomfort held my hand and squeezes it reassuringly. I looked at him, he looks scared too but he's trying his best to keep me calm. I thanked him silently.

We are a few kilometers away from home and he's still behind us. We are close to the crowded plaza so we blended in with the crowd to lost him.. We hid behind the alley way watching the man frantically searches us in the crowd. The man clicked his tongue and walked away.

Relieve comes to us. Then we rushed home.

"Izumi, are you okay?" Izuku asked in a serious tone. His big brother senses kicked in. Every time he does this makes him big and I found it hard to resist.

"Yeah" I replied in a shaky breath.

"I know you're not, that man probably is a scientist, considering the letters mom refused, someone must have been desperate! We can't let this go you know..! What if he succeeded!? I don't know what I'll do if that man was successful.!" He said like a worried father, I laughed at the thought and because of it Izuku got angry..

"This is not something to laugh about Izumi!" I flinched "Do you know how worried I was!? Does this happen every day?!" I shook my head "not often but sometimes"

"Then why didn't you tell us?! Do you not trust us?!.." I looked down. I never thought they cared...

I internally kicked myself, of course they do idiot..

"I'm sorry.. I was just angry.. let me cool down first then I'll talk to you..." Izuku said then he stood up and locked himself in his room.. he must have been frustrated because he can't help me.. no.. he's always been helpful to me.. why did I start to doubt them again? 

He talked to me again when he cooled down, though only briefly. When Mom heard about it, she became paranoid with me going out the house.. She's not showing it but I know she is.. In order to stop her from feeling that and give her a peace of mind. I bought every books I can see about computers and hacking. Using my quirk, I learned about it in a minute.

After that, I became a shut in, I stopped going to school and never did leave the house once again..

Izuku and mom tried to beat some senses to me about the improtance of school and trying to attend it again but I refused, saying that I can just learn all of the lessons from the Internet. I locked myself in my room.

Then I found my situation really comfortable that going out scares me now..(no it's not because of that crazy scientist, I took care of him not too long ago, I hacked into his system and deleted his files about me, all of it.) I wish I didn't drag my ass into this situation. Now I can't go back.. I did succeed to change myself... Though I never expected that it will come to this kind of change.. I sweatdropped at the thought.

But if Izuku invites me to sign up in UA too.. Then I don't have a reason to refuse.. I'm still holding to our promise.. Though I did paused it.. teehee.

A knock came into my door.. I groaned and dragged my lazy ass to the door.

"Izumi..." Izuku started breathing heavily... woah.. his figure becomes sturdier.. wow. I guess he's training with all might.. wait.. WHAT?! ITS ALMOST THE CANON AND I DIDN'T NOTICE!? How long was I in my room?!!

I calmed myself "what?....." He looked at me pointedly.. I raised my eyebrows pretending that I don't know what he's offering..

"You'll probably refuse, but go to school again.. sign up in UA with me...." then he stared at me expectantly.. I feel his heavy gaze on me..

I mean I was looking forward to it but I didn't know it will come this soon and leaving my room doesn't sound nice.. maybe I'll refuse..

or not.. if he's looking at me while holding that.. arghh. Izuku! You know I'm weak about puppies..! Don't try to look at me while holding one! Like you're giving it to me!

Sweats rolled on my back.. Don't say it!

"If you do I'll give this to you.." he said flatly while smiling suggestively.. now he's moving his eyebrows up and down..

"Arrghhh... alright!" Good bye my precious room!

"YEESS!" He said shoving the pup on my face. I rolled my eyes and  snatched the puppy away.

Well let him think that he bribed me. Hehe, even if he won't give me this cute little thing, I will still agree to go with him ..

"So when was it?" I asked

"4 days from now.." My eyes widen in shock, my hands move on its own and landed on his head, smacking him successfully.

"Ouch! What was that for.?!" He complained, I shove my face closer to him with glaring eyes.

"!" I mean! I still have to prepare myself! I'm rusty now because I've been shutting myself for almost 4 years.

"Well.. sorry?" He laughed lightly

"Sorry my ass." I murmured. I come back into my room, quickly grabbing some things I need to work out.

Time to do Saitama's Regimen!


Sorry for the errors! I'm too lazy to edit it. Well how was it? :)

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